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Build a Docker Image

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerBuild
Category Docker

Build a Docker Image.


Task to Build a Docker Image. Use either the dockerFilePath or dockerFileText to define the Dockerfile.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
dockerBuildRootPath java.lang.String @@buildRootPath@@ false The path to the base directory of the docker build operation. This directory will also contain the 'Dockerfile'
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerFileName java.lang.String   true Alternate docker file name. The file must reside in the dockerBuildRootPath
dockerFileText TextArea   false The contents of the Dockerfile to use in the build operation. If left unset, will use the dockerFileName or 'Dockerfile' in dockerBuildRootPath
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
imageName java.lang.String @@imageName@@ true Assign a name to the image. Name and optionally a tag in the 'name:tag' format.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerContainerId} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerContainerId}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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List Images

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerListImages
Category Docker

Get the list of images on the target host.


Get the list of images on the target host.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
all java.lang.Boolean false false Show all images (by default filter out the intermediate image layers)
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerImageList} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerVersion}.
quiet java.lang.Boolean false false Only show numeric IDs
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Provision Docker

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerProvision
Category Docker

Install Docker on the target host.


Install Docker on the target host.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Pull Image

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerPullImage
Category Docker

Pull an image.


Task to pull an image from a respository to a target node, based on the environment selected and included in this package. If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerImageId} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerImageId}.
repositoryImage java.lang.String @@repositoryImage@@ true This may be a repository name, the repository name and tag, or the unique image name. For example: Repository name: midvision/rd Repo with a tag: midvision/rd:3.5.0-SNAPSHOT Image Id: eb5301444ba5
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Remove All Containers

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerRemoveAllContainers
Category Docker

Remove all containers.


Task to remove all containers on a target node. All containers will be force stopped and then removed. Equivalent to docker command: docker rm -f containerID... If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerRemovedContainers} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerContainerId}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Remove Container

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerRemoveContainer
Category Docker

Remove a container.


Task to stop and remove a container on a target node, based on the environment selected and included in this package. If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.
Equivalent to docker command: docker rm containerID


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
containerName java.lang.String @@containerName@@ true Assign a name to the container. If left unset, a default name will be assigned.
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerContainerId} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerContainerId}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Remove Image

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerRemoveImage
Category Docker

Remove an Image.


Task to remove an image (if necessary stop and remove a container first) on a target node, based on the environment selected and included in this package. If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
containerName java.lang.String @@containerName@@ true Assign a name to the container. If left unset, a default name will be assigned.
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerImageId} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerImageId}.
repositoryImage java.lang.String @@repositoryImage@@ true This may be a repository name, the repository name and tag, or the unique image name. For example: Repository name: midvision/rd Repo with a tag: midvision/rd:3.5.0-SNAPSHOT Image Id: eb5301444ba5
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Run a docker command

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerRunCommand
Category Docker

Run a docker command on the target host.


Run a docker command on the target host.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
command java.lang.String docker ps -a true The docker command to run
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerCommandOutput} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerVersion}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Run Container

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerRunContainer
Category Docker

Run a container from an image.


Task run a container on a target node, based on the image included in this package. If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
bindVolume java.lang.String @@bindVolume@@ true Bind mount a volume (e.g., from the host: -v /host:/container, from Docker: -v /container). <br/> format: host_volume:container_volume. Multiple volumes: host_volume1:container_volume1,host_volume2:container_volume2,... For example: /home/docker/containerlogs:/opt/webapp/logs
containerMemorySize java.lang.Integer @@containerMemorySize@@ true Memory limit size. If left unset, the default (unlimited) will be used.
containerMemoryUnit java.util.List GByte true Specify a memory limit for this container in bytes, Kb, Mb, Gb.
containerName java.lang.String @@containerName@@ true Assign a name to the container. If left unset, a default name will be assigned.
detachedMode java.lang.Boolean true false Detached mode: run container in the background and print new container ID.
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
environmentVariable java.lang.String @@environmentVariable@@ true Set environment variable(s)<br/> format: VARIABLE=VALUE Multiple variables: VARIABLE1=VALUE1,VARIABLE2=VALUE2,... For example: APP_ROOT=/opt/my_app,USER_HOME=/home/username,DEEP=purple
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
linkedContainers java.lang.String @@linkedContainers@@ true Set container(s) to get linked with the selected container<br/> format: CONTAINER_NAME:CONTAINER_ALIAS Multiple variables: NAME1:ALIAS1,NAME2:ALIAS2,... For example: postgredb:rdb,mongodb:nosqldb
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerContainerId} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerContainerId}.
publishAllHostPorts java.lang.Boolean false false When set to true, publish all exposed ports to the host interfaces.
publishContainerPort java.lang.String @@publishContainerPort@@ true Publish a container's port(s) to the host. <br/> format: ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort. Multiple ports: host_port1:container_port11,host_port2:container_port2,... For example: 9090:9090
repositoryImage java.lang.String @@repositoryImage@@ true This may be a repository name, the repository name and tag, or the unique image name. For example: Repository name: midvision/rd Repo with a tag: midvision/rd:3.5.0-SNAPSHOT Image Id: eb5301444ba5
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
ttyMode java.lang.Boolean true false Allocate a pseudo-TTY.

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Snapshot a Docker container

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerInspect
Category Docker

Snapshot a Docker container.


Creates a snapshot file containing the low-level information on a container returned from an 'inspect' Docker command.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
containerName java.lang.String   true The name of the container to be inspected.
dockerEmail java.lang.String   true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String   true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String   true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String   true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
rapiddeployUrl java.lang.String   true The URL of the RapidDeploy server that performs the call to the target server. This URL needs to be complete, including port and context path, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/MidVision. This parameter is used to send back the snapshot file to the host server running the RapidDeploy web application. It does NOT need to be set in most cases.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String   true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
saveOnTarget java.lang.Boolean false true If set to 'true' the snapshot file will be saved in the target server and not sent back to the RapidDeploy server. This option is not recommended as RapidDeploy can not keep track of the snapshots taken and the snapshot comparison feature can not be used.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
snapshotDirectory java.lang.String   true The directory location where the snapshots should be stored. This option should be used only when 'saveOnTarget' is set to 'true' or if you want to set a specific snapshot location on the RapidDeploy server (not recommended).

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Snapshot a Docker image

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerInspect
Category Docker

Snapshot a Docker image.


Creates a snapshot file containing the low-level information on an image returned from an 'inspect' Docker command.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
dockerEmail java.lang.String   true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String   true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String   true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String   true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
rapiddeployUrl java.lang.String   true The URL of the RapidDeploy server that performs the call to the target server. This URL needs to be complete, including port and context path, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/MidVision. This parameter is used to send back the snapshot file to the host server running the RapidDeploy web application. It does NOT need to be set in most cases.
repositoryImage java.lang.String   true This may be a repository name, the repository name and tag, or the unique image name. For example: Repository name: midvision/rd, Repo with a tag: midvision/rd:3.5.0-SNAPSHOT, Image Id: eb5301444ba5
repositoryUrl java.lang.String   true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
saveOnTarget java.lang.Boolean false true If set to 'true' the snapshot file will be saved in the target server and not sent back to the RapidDeploy server. This option is not recommended as RapidDeploy can not keep track of the snapshots taken and the snapshot comparison feature can not be used.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
snapshotDirectory java.lang.String   true The directory location where the snapshots should be stored. This option should be used only when 'saveOnTarget' is set to 'true' or if you want to set a specific snapshot location on the RapidDeploy server (not recommended).

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Start Container

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerStartContainer
Category Docker

Start a container.


Task to start a stopped container on a target node, based on the environment selected and included in this package. If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
containerName java.lang.String @@containerName@@ true Assign a name to the container. If left unset, a default name will be assigned.
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerContainerId} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerContainerId}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Stop All Containers

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerStopAllContainers
Category Docker

Stop all containers.


Task to stop all containers on a target node. If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.
Equivalent to docker command: docker stop containerID...


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerStoppedContainers} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerContainerId}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Stop Container

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerStopContainer
Category Docker

Stop a container.


Task to stop a container on a target node, based on the environment selected and included in this package. If Docker client/server is not installed on the target node, then it will be installed before running this operation.
Equivalent to docker command: docker stop containerID


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
containerName java.lang.String @@containerName@@ true Assign a name to the container. If left unset, a default name will be assigned.
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerContainerId} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerContainerId}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.docker.docker.tasks.DockerVersion
Category Docker

Get the version of Docker on the target host.


Get the version of Docker on the target host.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
dockerEmail java.lang.String @@dockerEmail@@ true The email address to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerHost java.lang.String @@dockerHost@@ true This value will be used to set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. <br/> The Docker client assumes the Docker host is on the current host machine. <br/> If that is the case, leave this field blank. If not, enter a Docker host of the form: tcp://IP:PORT For the boot2docker VM this is typically: tcp://
dockerPassword java.lang.String @@dockerPassword@@ true The password to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
dockerRepository java.util.List Docker Hub true The source of the image that will be deployed to this environment.<br/> The default value is Docker Hub.<br/> You may also choose "Own Repository" and enter the repository connection details below.<br/> You may also choose "Tar file". The tar file will be discovered inside the deployment package.<br/> If neccessary, enter the connection credentials in the "Docker Credentials" section.<br/>
dockerUsername java.lang.String @@dockerUsername@@ true The username to use to connect to the Docker Hub or other repository.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the job on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${dockerVersion} true The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${dockerVersion}.
repositoryUrl java.lang.String @@repositoryUrl@@ true The repository URL.<br/> If you chose "Own Repository" for the "dockerRepository" parameter, enter the epository URL. For example: If neccessary, enter the connection credentials.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.