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Archive Expander

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.ArchiveExpanderToTargetTask
Category File - Archiver

Archive Expander Task.


Expands an archive file (jar/war/tar) to a specified location.


Use ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/path/to/archive for the archiveFilePath or destinationPath if the archive is in the deployment package.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
archiveFilePath java.lang.String /path/to/archive false The path denoting the location of the archive to be exploded. Use ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/path/to/archive if the archive is in the deployment package.
destinationPath java.lang.String   false The path to the directory on target server to expand the compressed file to.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Ear Expander

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.GenericEarExpanderTask
Category File - Archiver

Ear Expander Task.

Sets: operationDir


Java based task that expands/collapses an ear file into/from a temporary location. Any contained archive (war/jar) files held within the ear will also be expanded/collapse (based on a fileset pattern) to facilitate other tasks such as search/replace. Please see ANT documentation for how to use filesets.


This task will typically be used in groups of two instances of this task. Firstly in expand mode and then in collapse mode. Other tasks will be used in-between these two tasks that work on the expanded ear file. These intermediate tasks must support operationDir, the location of the expanded ear file, unless the destination parameter is specified.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
earFileRelativePath java.lang.String relative/path/to/archive false The path, relative to the archive root, denoting the location of the archive to be expanded from or collapsed back to. The operationDir key may be used to reference the root of the temporary location where the archive has been expanded into.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of jar/war files inside the ear to exclude from the expansion.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.war false ANT FileSet Style list of jar/war files inside the ear to include in the expansion.
operation java.util.List expand false One of: expand, collapse.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Expand File in Archive Root

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.ExpandFileInArchiveRootTask
Category File - Archiver

Expand File In To Archive Root Task.

Supports: archiveRoot


Uncompress an archive file that is in Zip, Tar, Jar, Ear, War format to a directory specified relative to the archive root..
This task is useful when you need to orchestrate copying files from a zip file into different locations on the target server. This task uncompresses the file and subsequent tasks in the orchestration can use (such as copy or read) the expanded files.


The following parameters or parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
expandPathRelativeToArchiveRoot java.lang.String   true The relative path to the directory in the archive root to expand the compressed file to. If the directory does not exist in the archive root, this task will create it.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
zipFilePathRelativeToArchiveRoot java.lang.String   false The relative path to the compressed file to expand in the archive root.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GZipTask
Category File - Archiver

GZip, GUnzip Task.


Compress or Uncompress a file to/from gzip format.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /path/to/file/to/gzip false The file to compress (gzip operation), or the directory location of the uncompressed file to create (gunzip operation).
operation java.util.List expand false One of [compress|expand|zip|unzip|gzip|gunzip]
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
zipFilePath java.lang.String /path/to/zipFile false The zip file to be created (compress operation) or unzipped (uncompress operation), depending on operation.

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War Expander

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.WarExpanderTask
Category File - Archiver

War Expander Task.

Sets: operationDir


Java based task that expands/collapses a War/Ear/Jar file into/from a temporary location.


This task will typically be used in groups of two instances of this task. Firstly in expand mode and then in collapse mode. Other tasks will be used in-between these two tasks that work on the expanded war file. These intermediate tasks must support operationDir, the location of the expanded war file, unless the destination parameter is specified.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
deleteSrcAfterOperation java.lang.Boolean false true Indicates if the source directory or war file will be deleted after the collapse or expand operation.
destination java.lang.String   true Optional destination to expand to and collapse from. If not set, defaults to a random directory (GUID) in the system dependent temporary directory (operationDir).
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
operation java.util.List expand false One of: expand, collapse.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
warFileRelativePath java.lang.String relative/path/to/archive false The path, relative to the archive root, denoting the location of the archive to be expanded from or collapsed back to. The operationDir key may be used to reference the root of the temporary location where the archive has been expanded into (see destination).

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.ZipTask
Category File - Archiver

Zip Task.


Compress or Uncompress an archive file that is in Zip, Tar, Jar, Ear, War format.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
archiveType java.util.List zip true The type or archive to create. One of [zip|tar|jar|war|ear]. Note that tar is an uncompressed format that will not save any space.
directory java.lang.String /path/to/zipOrUnzip false The directory to zip (compress operation), or to unzip to (uncompress operation), depending on operation.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
operation java.util.List expand false One of [compress|expand]. Use compress to jar, zip or tar -c a set of files to an archive. Use uncompress to unzip, unjar, or tar -x an archive back to the original files.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
zipFilePath java.lang.String /path/to/zipFile false The zip file to be created (compress operation) or unzipped (uncompress operation), depending on operation.

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Check File Attributes

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.CheckFileTask
Category File - Attributes

Check File or Directory Task


This task tests whether a file or directory exists on the file system. If the file or directory does not exist then an exception is raised (if failOnError is true) or the false result is written to fileExistsOutputParam. Note that if the file doesn't exist - isDirectoryOutputParam, checksumOutputParam, isMD5OutputParam and versionTestOutputParam will not be set even if you configure task to perform these tests. This task is useful as a pre-requisite to check the file system is in the state it should be. This task can also test if the path is readable, writable or executable by the user running the job/orchestration.
If failOnError is set to true, a failing test will fail the current job. If failOnError is set to false, a failing test will not fail the current job, but the outputParameter for that test will be set to false.


This task can also check (compare) a given checksum with the file checksum. A difference in values will cause an error to be raised. You can find the CRC checksum of a file on linux or with GNU tools using:
                     				cksum file
For MD5:
                     				md5sum file

Jar file version

For versioned Jar files, this task can compare a file version (given in the MANIFEST.MF file) to a supplied one. A difference in version causes an exception to be raised.


This task can be used in a binary or codeDeploy project.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
checksum java.lang.String   true The expected checksum of the file, either CRC32 or MD5.
checksumOutputParam java.lang.String ${checksumTestResult} true The result of checksum test.If the file doesn't exist - this param will be not be set.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean false false If failOnError is set to true, a failing test will fail the current job. If failOnError is set to false, a failing test will not fail the current job, but the outputParameter for that test will be set to false.
fileExistsOutputParam java.lang.String ${fileExistsResult} true The result of fileExists test.
fileOrDirectoryPathToCheck java.lang.String   false This is the path to the file or directory to check. If the file is inside the project deployment package, reference the path using ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/path/to/file.
isDirectory java.lang.Boolean false true If this is set to true then the path is tested as a directory, otherwise it is tested as a file.
isDirectoryOutputParam java.lang.String ${isDirectoryResult} true The result of isDirectory test. If the file doesn't exist - this param will be not be set.
isExecutableOutputParam java.lang.String ${isExecutableResult} true The result of isExecutable test.If the file doesn't exist - this param will be set to false.
isMD5 java.lang.Boolean true true If this is set to true then an MD5 checksum is performed. Otherwise a CRC32 checksum is performed.
isMD5OutputParam java.lang.String ${isMD5Result} true The result of isMD5 test.If the file doesn't exist - this param will be not be set.
isReadableOutputParam java.lang.String ${isReadableResult} true The result of isReadable test. If the file doesn't exist - this param will be set to false.
isWritableOutputParam java.lang.String ${isWritableResult} true The result of isWritable test.If the file doesn't exist - this param will be set to false.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
testChecksum java.lang.Boolean false true If this is set to true then the file or directory is tested for a checksum match with the checksum value.
testExecutable java.lang.Boolean false true If this is set to true then the file or directory is tested if it is executable by the user running the job.
testReadable java.lang.Boolean false true If this is set to true then the file or directory is tested if it is readable by the user running the job.
testVersion java.lang.Boolean false true If this is set to true then the file or directory is tested for a version match with the version value. The file must be a Jar file to perform this check.
testWritable java.lang.Boolean false true If this is set to true then the file or directory is tested if it is writable by the user running the job.
version java.lang.String   true The expected version of the file.
versionKey java.lang.String Implementation-Version true The key to identify the version in the MANIFEST.MF file.
versionTestOutputParam java.lang.String ${versionTestResult} true The result of version test.If the file doesn't exist - this param will be not be set.

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Check Signed Jars

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.CheckSignedJarsTask
Category File - Attributes

Verify Signed Jars Task.

Supports: archiveRoot


This task Verifies a signed Jar file set of files in a directory from a target location using ANT filesets.


Setting the following parameters:
                     			targetDirectory: /tmp/test
                     			fileSetIncludes: **/*.jar
Will recursively verify all files ending in ".jar" under /tmp/test


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   true ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude from the verify.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include in the verify.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
targetDirectory java.lang.String /tmp/directory/to/verify/ true The full path to the verify target directory.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/file/to/verify true The full path to the verify target file.

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Directory Write Check

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.DirectoryWriteCheckTask
Category File - Attributes

Directory Write Check Task


Check that a directory is writeable by the current process.
If failOnError is set to true, a directory that is not writeable will fail the current job.
If failOnError is set to false, a directory that is not writeable will not fail the current job, but the resultParameter will be set to false.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
directoryToCheck java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The directory below which the write check is performed.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false If failOnError is set to true, a directory that is not writeable will fail the current job. If failOnError is set to false, a directory that is not writeable will not fail the current job, but the resultParameter will be set to false.
resultParameter java.lang.String ${directoryWriteCheckResult} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (true if the write check is successful or false if not). Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${directoryWriteCheckResult}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Disk Space Check

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.DiskSpaceCheckTask
Category File - Attributes

Disk Space Check Task


Check that there is sufficient free disk space in the given directory. If failOnError is set to true, a directory that has insufficient space will fail the current job.
If failOnError is set to false, a directory that has insufficient space will not fail the current job, but the resultParameter will be set to false.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
directoryToCheck java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check true The directory below which the disk space is checked. The disk space allocation is that found for the File System in which the specified directory is located. If not set then the installPath parameter is used by default.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false If failOnError is set to true, a directory that has insufficient space will fail the current job. If failOnError is set to false, a directory that has insufficient space will not fail the current job, but the resultParameter will be set to false.
requiredFreeSpace java.lang.String 500 false The free space required in Mb.
resultParameter java.lang.String ${diskSpaceCheckResult} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (true if the space check is successful or false if not). Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${diskSpaceCheckResult}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get File Access Times

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFileAccessTimesTask
Category File - Attributes

Get file access times Task


Retrieves the access times of given file and print it into specified output parameter
The following output parameters will be populated:

createTimeOutputParameter - The create date/time of the file
modifyTimeOutputParameter - The last modified date/time of the file
accessTimeOutputParameter - The last accessed date/time of the given file

The date/time format is given as: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.s+]Z


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
accessTimeOutputParameter java.lang.String ${fileAccessTime} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the last access date/time of the file. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileAccessTime}.
createTimeOutputParameter java.lang.String ${fileCreateTime} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the creation date/time of the file. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileCreateTime}.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The file to be investigated.
modifyTimeOutputParameter java.lang.String ${fileModifyTime} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the last modification date/time of the file. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileModifyTime}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get File Checksum

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFileChecksumTask
Category File - Attributes

Get File Checksum Task


Retrieves the checksum of given file and print it into specified output parameter


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The file to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fileChecksum} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (file group). Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileSize}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
type java.util.List MD5 false The file checksum type.

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Get File Content Type

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFileContentTypeTask
Category File - Attributes

Get File Content Type Task


Retrieves the content type of given file and print it into specified output parameter.

Mac OS/X

If running on Mac OS/X, you need a .mime.types file present in the user home directory for the user running this orchestration, otherwise null will be returned for every file check.

You can find suitable files by searching the internet, for example here.
You could add a 'Wget Task' to pull the file into the user home directory as the first step in job running on Mac OS/X.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The file to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fileContentType} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (file group). The retiurn value will be the file type. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileContentType}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get File Group

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFileGroupTask
Category File - Attributes

Get File Group Task


Retrieves the group of given file and print it into specified output parameter


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The file to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fileGroup} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (file group). Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileSize}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get File Owner

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFileOwnerTask
Category File - Attributes

Get File Owner Task


Retrieves the owner of given file and print it into specified output parameter


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The file to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fileOwner} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (file owner). Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileSize}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get File Parent

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFileParentTask
Category File - Attributes

Get File Parent Task


Retrieves the parent of given file and print it into specified output parameter. The file does not need to exist.

In the case of a file, the parent is the directory in which the file resides.
In the case of a directory, the parent is the directory holding the specified directory

If numberOfParents is set, the directory tree will be climbed by the given number of parents and the resulting directory path returned.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The path to the file or directory to be investigated.
numberOfParents java.lang.Integer 1 true The number of parent requests to make. By default this is set to 1, and therefore returns the immediate parent of the file or directory.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${parentFile} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. It will hold the parent directory of the given file or directory. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${parentFile}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get File Permissions

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFilePermissionsInfoTask
Category File - Attributes

Get File Permissions Task


Retrieves an info about file permissions for current user


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The file to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${filePermissionInfo} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (info about file permissions). The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${filePermissionInfo}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get File Size

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFileSizeTask
Category File - Attributes

Get File Size Task


Retrieves the size of given file and print it into specified output parameter


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The file to be investigated.
maximumFractionDigits java.lang.Integer 2 true The maximum fraction digits used to format the result.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fileSize} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (file size). Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileSize}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
unit java.util.List MB false The file to be investigated.

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Get Filesystem Information

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetFsInfoTask
Category File - Attributes

Get Filesystem Information


Returns information about the filesystem for the given file path.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The path to the file or directory to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${filesystemInfo} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. It will return information about the filesystem of the given path. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${filesystemInfo}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get Symbolic Link Target

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetSymLinkTask
Category File - Attributes

Get the target of a file that is a symbolic link.


This task gets the path to the target of the symbolic link, and writes it to the outputParameter



The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/link/from false The full path to the symbolic link source.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${symLinkTarget} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The output will be the target of the symlink. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${symLinkTarget}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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isHfs Filesystem

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.IsHfsTask
Category File - Attributes

Check if the filesystem is an HFS filesystem


Checks if the given file path resides in a (Mac) HFS filesystem.

If the filesystem type cannot be determined, returns true.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The path to the file or directory to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${isHfs} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. It will return true if the file path is on an NFS filesystem, or false if not. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${isHfs}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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isNfs Filesystem

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.IsNfsTask
Category File - Attributes

Check if the filesystem is an NFS filesystem


Checks if the given file path resides in an NFS filesystem.

If the filesystem type cannot be determined, assumes the worst case scenario and sets the result parameter to true.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The path to the file or directory to be investigated.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${isNfs} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. It will return true if the file path is on an NFS filesystem, or false if not. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${isNfs}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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isSymbolicLink Test

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.IsSymLinkTask
Category File - Attributes

Test if a file is a symbolic link.


This task tests if the file at the given path is a symbolic link to another file.



The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/test false The full path to the file to test source.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${isSymLink} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The output will true if the file is a symbolic link or false if the file does not exist or is not a symbolic link. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${isSymLink}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Change Ownership of Files

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.ChangeOwnerTask
Category File - Operations

Change Owner Task.


Change ownership of files or directories on the target server.
If the directoryName value denotes a directory, the ownerships will be changed recursively below this path name.
If directoryName denotes a filesystem file, this file will be changed.


Warning: This task may recursively change file ownerships. Care should be taken when specifying directories and new owners as in certain circumstances it is possible to make changes on a server so as to render that server unusable. In the worst case scenario, the server may need to be rebuilt, resored from backup or booted from external disk.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
directoryName java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/change true OPTIONAL: Path to a file or directory to use when changing ownership. Ownerships are changed recursively below this directory.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
fileList java.lang.String /path/to/file1,/path/to/file2 true OPTIONAL: Comma separated list of absolute paths of files to change ownership of.
newOwner java.lang.String newUsername false The new owner.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Change Permissions of Files

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.posix.PosixChmodTask
Category File - Operations

Posix Chmod Task.


Unix style chmod (change file permissions) of a file or directory. The target file/directory must exist.


Warning: This task may recursively change file permissions. Care should be taken when specifying directories and octal numbers as in certain circumstances it is possible to change permissions on a server so as to render that server unusable. In the worst case scenario, the server may need to be rebuilt, resored from backup or booted from external disk. This task does not work with AIX operating systems, use the UNIX - ChmodTask instead.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
octalNumber java.lang.String 755 false The permission to set in octal format. Please see the chmod man page.
paths java.lang.String /tmp/path1,/tmp/path2 false Comma separated list of paths to perform chmod on.
recursive java.lang.Boolean false false Perform a recursive chmod.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Copy a Fileset

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.CopyTask
Category File - Operations

Copy task using filesets.

Supports: archiveRoot


This task copies a file or directory from a source location to a target location using ANT filesets. The source and/or target can be located in the expanded Archive.
The target directory will be created if it does not already exist.


Warning: This task may recursively copy directories on the target server. You must ensure you correctly set the paths for this task to avoid unintentionally large amounts of copy data.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
copyCounter java.lang.String ${countOfCopiedFiles} true The name of the output counter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the count of copied items. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${countOfCopiedFiles}.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include.
overwrite java.lang.Boolean false true Overwrite existing files even if the destination files are newer.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
source java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/copy/from false The full path to the copy source. If the source is inside the project deployment package, reference the path using ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/path/to/source.
targetDir java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/copy/to true The full path to the copy target directory.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/copy/to true The full path to the copy target file.

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Create a Hard Link

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.CreateHardLinkTask
Category File - Operations

Create a hard link.


This task creates a hard link from the sourceLink path to the targetFile.


Files consist of two parts: the data part and the filename part. The data part is associated with something called an 'inode'. The inode carries the map of where the data is, the file permissions, etc. for the data.

More than one filename can reference the same inode number; these files are said to be 'hard linked' together. A hardlink then is a directory entry (a file) pointing to the same inode as another file.

Changing any data in any of the linked files will change the data in the inode, and therefore the data for all files referencing that inode.

Even if you change the name of the target file, a hardlink still points to the file.

When you delete a file it removes one link to the underlying inode. The inode is only deleted when the last link to the inode has been deleted.

With hardlinks you don't have concept of the original files and links, all are equal (think of it as a reference to an object).


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${hardLink} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The output will be the created hard link. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${hardLink}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sourceLink java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/link/from false The full path to the hard link file source.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/link/to false The full path to the target (of the hard link) file target.

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Create a Symbolic Link

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.CreateSymLinkTask
Category File - Operations

Create a symbolic link.


This task creates a symbolic link from the sourceLink path to the targetFile.



The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${symLink} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The output will be the created link. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${symLink}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sourceLink java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/link/from false The full path to the symbolic link source.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/link/to false The full path to the target (of the symbolic link) file target.

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Delete a Fileset

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.AntDeleteTask
Category File - Operations

Delete Task using ANT Filesets.

Supports: archiveRoot


This task deletes a file or directory from a target location using ANT filesets.


Warning: This task may recursively delete directories on the target server. You must ensure you correctly set the paths for this task to avoid unintentionally deleting data and potentially rendering the target server unusable.


Setting the following parameters:
                     				targetDirectory: /tmp/test
                     				fileSetIncludes: **/*.py
                     				dateSelector:    12/31/2011 12:00 AM
                     				timeComparison:  BEFORE
Will recursively delete all files ending in ".py" under /tmp/test, where those files were last modified before 12/31/2011 12:00 AM.
                     				/tmp/test/py/	Modified 12/12/2011	Matches
                     				/tmp/								No Match
                     				/tmp/test/py/						No Match
                     				/tmp/test/py/   Modified 01/01/2012 No Match


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
compareDirectories java.lang.Boolean false true When performing a date comparison, look at directory dates and delete based on date/time.
dateSelector java.lang.String   true ANT DateSelector date. If specified, this date is used in the selection, together with the specified timeComparison. The date time is in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm AM_or_PM, for example 12/31/2000 12:00 AM. Used by the timeComparison parameter, if set, to determine which files to delete based on date
deleteCounter java.lang.String ${countOfDeletedFiles} true The name of the output counter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the count of deleted items. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${countOfDeletedFiles}.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   true ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude from the delete.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include in the delete.
removeEmptyDirs java.lang.Boolean false false If set to true, if a directory is empty (also as a result of this task), then delete the directory as well. If set to false, directories will not be deleted at all.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
targetDirectory java.lang.String /tmp/directory/to/delete/from true The full path to the copy target directory.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/file/to/delete/from true The full path to the delete target file.
timeComparison java.util.List BEFORE true One of: BEFORE, AFTER or EQUALS. If set to BEFORE, all files matching the file selector criteria modified before the dateSelector will be deleted.
verbose java.lang.Boolean true true Selects verbose output.

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File System Snapshot

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.SnapshotTask
Category File - Operations

Create a generic snapshot of a file system location


This task creates a snapshot ZIP file of a file system location consisting on the specified included and excluded configuration files of the provided path location.


Using ANT fileset patterns set the included and excluded configuration files you want to be into the snapshot ZIP file.
By default the snapshot file will be saved in the RapidDeploy server in the location specified in the field 'Snapshots Path' of the environment configuration panel. If you want to use a different location (not recommended) you can set it using the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter.
If you select to save the snapshot file in the target server ('saveOnTarget') you need to specify the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter with the location in the target server where you want to save the snapshot file.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
binaryFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/tmp*,**/temp* true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
binaryFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.jar,**/*.war,**/*.zip true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
configFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/tmpworklog*.log, **/*.jar, **/*.war, **/*.rar true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
configFilesetIncludes java.lang.String conf/*.xml,conf/**/*.xml,conf/*.properties,conf/**/*.properties true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
downloadBinaries java.lang.Boolean false true When set to true, the binaries filtered by the 'binaryFilesetIncludes' and 'binaryFilesetExcludes' parameters will be downloaded as part of the snapshot.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
installationPath java.lang.String @@installationPath@@ false The top level directory of the path to snapshot. The ANT fileset patterns will be used to select files recursively below this directory to include in a snapshot.
rapiddeployUrl java.lang.String   true The URL of the RapidDeploy server that performs the call to the target server. This URL needs to be complete, including port and context path, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/MidVision. This parameter is used to send back the snapshot file to the host server running the RapidDeploy web application. It does NOT need to be set in most cases.
saveOnTarget java.lang.Boolean false true If set to 'true' the snapshot file will be saved in the target server and not sent back to the RapidDeploy server. This option is not recommended as RapidDeploy can not keep track of the snapshots taken and the snapshot comparison feature can not be used.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
snapshotDirectory java.lang.String   true The directory location where the snapshots should be stored. This option should be used only when 'saveOnTarget' is set to 'true' or if you want to set a specific snapshot location on the RapidDeploy server (not recommended).

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List Files

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.ListFilesTask
Category File - Operations

List Files Task


List all files under given directory.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
directoryPath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The directory below which all of the files remain.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputCounter java.lang.String ${countOfFiles} true The name of the output counter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the count of items as result. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${countOfFiles}.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${listOfFiles} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task (all filenames under specified directory). The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${listOfFiles}.
recursive java.lang.Boolean false true Set true if you want to search recursively or false to list only files directly under specified directory.
showFullFilePaths java.lang.Boolean false true Set true if you want to list files as full path names and false to list only names.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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List Fileset

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.ListFilesetTask
Category File - Operations

List Files using Filesets Task


List the set of files/directories under given directory, matching the given filesetIncludes/filesetExcludes criteria.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Example filesets

The following are examples of filesets returned by this task:
                     			FilesetIncludes = **/*.xml, **/*.xmi 		- Return all xml and xmi files in all directories under the directoryPath
                     			FilesetIncludes = **/Test*.xml				- Return all xml files starting with 'Test' under the directoryPath
                     			FilesetIncludes = **/Test/*.xml				- Return all xml files in any sub-directory named 'Test' under the directoryPath
                     			FilesetIncludes = **/*data*, **/*text*		- Return all files with 'data' or 'text' in the name					
                     			FilesetExcludes = **/*.zip, **/*.tar		- But exclude any zip or tar files.

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
directoryPath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/check false The directory below which all of the files remain.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude from the list.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include in the list.
operationType java.util.List file false The operation type: One of file, dir, both. The 'file' type means only files are listed. The 'dir' type means only directories are listed. The 'both' type, means both directory and file matches are listed.
outputCounter java.lang.String ${countOfFiles} true The name of the output counter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the count of items as result. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${countOfFiles}.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${listOfFiles} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be either all files, all directories or both files and directories under specified directory matching the fileset parameters. Each file entry will be separated by the outputSeparator. The task output will be the list of files matching the entered criteria. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${listOfFiles}.
outputSeparator java.util.List newline false The delimiter between each file entry returned in the outputParameter. Please note space should not be used if their is the possibility of spaces in the filename or path.
showFullFilePaths java.lang.Boolean false true Set true if you want to list files as full path names and false to list only names.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Make Directory

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.MkDirTask
Category File - Operations

Make Directory Task


This task creates a given directory at the specified path, together with any required but nonexistent parent directories. If the specified path already exists, no action is taken.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
path java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/make true The full path to the directory to create.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
unixPath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/make true If path is not set and BOTH unix and windows paths are set, then the system will determine which path to use based on the target operating system.
windowsPath java.lang.String c:\temp\path\to\create true If path is not set and BOTH unix and windows paths are set, then the system will determine which path to use based on the target operating system.

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Move a Fileset

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.MoveTask
Category File - Operations

Move Task


Moves a file or directory to a new file or directory. By default, the destination file is overwritten if it already exists.


When overwrite is set to false, then files are only moved if the source file is newer than the destination file, or when the destination file does not exist.
When preserve is set to true, file attributes of the moved files are preserved as far as possible. Specifically, the last modified time of the original file is preserved.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
destinationDirectory java.lang.String   true The destination directory for the move.
destinationFile java.lang.String   true The destination file for the move.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude from the move (if source is a directory).
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include in the move (if source is a directory).
flatten java.lang.Boolean false false Ignore directory structure of source directory, copy all files into a single directory, specified by the destination (default is "false").
includeEmpty java.lang.Boolean true false Copy empty directories (default is "true").
moveCounter java.lang.String ${countOfMovedFiles} true The name of the output counter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the count of moved items. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${countOfMovedFiles}.
overwrite java.lang.Boolean true false Overwrite existing files even if the destination files are newer (default is "true").
preserve java.lang.Boolean false false Give the moved files the same last modified time as the original source files (default is "false").
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
source java.lang.String /path/to/source true The source file or directory to move.
verbose java.lang.Boolean true false Log the files that are being moved (default is "true").

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Read File to String

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.ReadFileTask
Category File - Operations

Read File Task


This task reads a content of given file into specified outputParameter.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String   true The full path to the file you want to read.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fileContent} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileContent}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Simple Backup in-situ

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.BackupTask
Category File - Operations


Create a backup of a file, a list of files or a directory. The backup is stored in a directory with the same name as the file (minus any file extension). If the file has no extension, or is a directory, the backup directory is suffixed with "_backup".



The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
backupPath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/backup true The full path to be backed up.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
retainedCopies java.lang.String 0 true The integer value represents the number of rolling file revisions to retain in the backup. If set to 0, backups are not performed.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Simple Copy

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.CopyTask
Category File - Operations

Copy Task.

Supports: archiveRoot operationDir


This task copies a file or directory from a source location to a target location. The source and/or target can be located in the expanded Archive.
The target directory will be created if it does not already exist.


Warning: This task may recursively copy directories on the target server. You must ensure you correctly set the paths for this task to avoid unintentionally large amounts of copy data.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
copyCounter java.lang.String ${countOfCopiedFiles} true The name of the output counter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the count of copied items. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${countOfCopiedFiles}.
copySource java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/copy/from false The full path to the copy source. If the source is inside the project deployment package, reference the path using ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/path/to/source.
copyTarget java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/copy/to false The full path to the copy target. If the target is inside the project deployment package, reference the path using ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/path/to/target.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
onlyIfNewer java.lang.Boolean false true Only copies the file if the source is newer than the target.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sourceRelativeToOperationDir java.lang.Boolean false true If true, the copySource is relative to the OperationDir, from an expanded EAR file
targetRelativeToOperationDir java.lang.Boolean false true If true, the copyTarget is relative to the OperationDir, from an expanded EAR file

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Simple Delete

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.DeleteTask
Category File - Operations

Delete Task.


If the path specified is a directory, all files and subdirectories under this directory will be removed.
If the path specified is a file, this file will be removed.


Warning: This task may recursively delete, irreversibly, directories on the target server. You must ensure you correctly set the paths for this task to avoid unintentional, permanent loss of data.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
deleteCounter java.lang.String ${countOfDeletedFiles} true The name of the output counter, which can pass the return value from the task. This will be the count of deleted items. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the task flow, as an input parameter ${countOfDeletedFiles}.
deletePath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/delete false The full path to the file or directory to delete.
deletePathUnix java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/make true If path is not set and BOTH unix and windows paths are set, then the system will determine which path to use based on the target operating system.
deletePathWindows java.lang.String c:\temp\path\to\delete true If path is not set and BOTH unix and windows paths are set, then the system will determine which path to use based on the target operating system.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Simple Touch

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.TouchTask
Category File - Operations

Touch Task.

Supports: operationDir


Touch files in a directory. The files will be "touched", i.e given the current date/time stamp.


This is very useful where deployed code is a backout version where JSP files have an earlier date/time stamp. This task forces a browser reload. Without it browsers may still have JSP's from the later (backed out) release cached - resulting in unexpected behaviour.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
directoryToSearch java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/search true The directory below which the search is performed. - If this is set to "operationDir", the search is performed on the expanded ear file for a WebSphere, JBoss or Weblogic deployment or another expansion task that adds this variable to the task list.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
fileExtensions java.lang.String jsp false File extensions to match. All others will be ignored.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Synchronize two folders

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.SyncFoldersTask
Category File - Operations

Synchronize two folders.


This task synchronizes two folders, sourceFolderPath and targetFolderPath. The logic of the sync operation dependes on the mode, as follows:

OVERWRITE_ALL - Copy source to target. Overwrite files in the target.
Any files in source, not present in target, are added to target.
Existing files in target, also present in the source, are overwritten.
Existing files in the target, not present in the source, are ignored.

OVERWRITE_NEWER - Copy source to target. Overwrite files in the target only where the source files are newer.
Any files in source, not present in target, are added to target.
Existing files in target, also present in the source, are overwritten by source only if they are newer in the source.
Existing files in the target, not present in the source, are ignored.

REPLACE - Delete and replace target with source.
Target is deleted and replaced with source.
Any new files in the target are lost.
Any updated files in the target are lost.

Any files in source, not present in target, are added to target.
Any files in target, not present in source, are added to source.
Any files in both target and source are synchronised, with the newest version of the file taking precedence.
Any files deleted in source are deleted in target. Any files deleted in target are deleted in source.


Warning: This task may recursively copy directories on the target server. You must ensure you correctly set the paths for this task to avoid unintentionally large amounts of copy data.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sourceFolderPath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/sync/from false The full path to the sync source. If the source is inside the project deployment package, reference the path using ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/path/to/source.
targetFolderPath java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/copy/to false The full path to the sync target directory.

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Touch a Fileset

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.TouchTask
Category File - Operations

Touch Task.


This task touches (changes the timestamp of) a file or directory from a target location using ANT filesets.
You can specify either a single file (targetFile) to touch, or a directory (targetDirectory) and filesets. You should not specify both a targetDirectory and a targetFile
If you specify a single file that doesn't exist, it will be created.
If you specify a directory and filesets, the directory must exist. All files matching the fileset under the specified directory will be touched.


Warning: This task may recursively touch files (change the timestamp) on the target server. You must ensure you correctly set the paths for this task to avoid unintentionally changing data.


Setting the following parameters:
                     				targetDirectory: /tmp/test
                     				fileSetIncludes: **/*.py
                     				dateTime:    12/31/2011 12:00 AM
                     				verbose:  true
                     				createDirectories: true
Will recursively touch all files ending in ".py" under /tmp/test, and give those files last modified date/time of 12/31/2011 12:00 AM.
                     				/tmp/test/py/						Matches
                     				/tmp/								Matches
                     				/tmp/test/py/						No Match
                     				/tmp/test/py/2.pyl   					No Match


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
createDirectories java.lang.Boolean false true Create parent directories when creating the file in the file mode of operation.
dateTime java.lang.String   true ANT DateSelector date. If specified, this date is used to set the date/time of the file. The date time is in the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm AM_or_PM. If left blank, defaults to the current date/time at the point the touch operation is performed.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   true ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude from the touch.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include in the touch.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
targetDirectory java.lang.String   true The full path to the target directory. The directory must exist.
targetFile java.lang.String   true The full path to the target file. If this parameter is set and the file does not exist at the target, it is created as an empty file.
verbose java.lang.Boolean false true Selects verbose log output from the operation.

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Write String to File

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.WriteStringToFileTask
Category File - Operations



This task writes given content into specified file.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String   true The full path to the file you want to write.
inputString TextArea   false The content you want to write into specified file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
writeMode java.util.List Overwrite false Specify what to do if the file already exists. Allowed values: Overwrite, Skip, Append.

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Get OS

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.utils.GetOSInfoTask
Category Utilities

Get OS Task


This task retrieves information about OS into specified outputParameter.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${osInfo} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the script output value. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${osInfo}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.