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Apt-Get Installer

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.AptGetTask
Category Unix

apt-get Task


Run an apt-get command on Ubuntu Linux.
For more information see:
apt-get Documentation


RapidDeploy will always run with the "-y" option so that user interaction is never required.

If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
command java.util.List install false apt-get Command to run. One of: [update|upgrade|install|remove|autoremove|purge|source|build-dep|dist-upgrade|dselect-upgrade|clean|autoclean|check|changelog|download] Optionally follow the command by typing package names to perform the command on.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${aptGetOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'apt-get' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the user creation succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${aptGetOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.
verbose java.lang.Boolean false true Verbose mode. Equivalent to the -v option.

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Chgrp (Change file group)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ChgrpTask
Category Unix

Change Group Task.


Unix style chgrp (change file group) of a file or directory. The target file/directory must exist.

Warning: This is a Unix/Linux/Mac only task. The task will be ignored on Windows platforms.


Warning: This task may recursively change file groups. Care should be taken when specifying directories and groups as in certain circumstances it is possible to change permissions on a server so as to render that server unusable. In the worst case scenario, the server may need to be rebuilt, resored from backup or booted from external disk.
Example ownerships:


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include.
group java.lang.String   false The new group of the file or filesets. See the usage above.
maxParallel java.lang.String 0 false Reduce the amount of parallelism by setting the maximum number of files to perform the operation on at one time. Defaults to 0 (unlimited). Setting this to a lower value will avoid the shell exception "too many arguments to command". Setting to around 300 may be optimal on some linux systems.
operationType java.util.List file false The operation type: One of file, dir, both. The 'file' type means only file permissions are changed. The 'dir' type means only directory permissions are changed. The 'both' type, means both directory and file matches have the chown operation performed upon them.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
targetDirectory java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/change true OPTIONAL: Path to a directory to use when changing group. Groups are changed recursively below this directory unless filesets are specified.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/change.ext true OPTIONAL: Path to a file to use when changing group. Groups are changed for this file only.
verbose java.lang.Boolean true false If enabled, print verbose output to the log file.

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Chmod (Change file permissions)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ChmodTask
Category Unix

Change Mode Task.


Unix style chmod (change file permissions) of a file or directory. The target file/directory must exist.

Warning: This is a Unix/Linux/Mac only task. The task will be ignored on Windows platforms.


Warning: This task may recursively change file permissions. Care should be taken when specifying directories and octal numbers as in certain circumstances it is possible to change permissions on a server so as to render that server unusable. In the worst case scenario, the server may need to be rebuilt, resored from backup or booted from external disk.
Example permissions:
                     			permissions="ugo+rx"  - Add read and execute to all
                     			permissions="g+w"     - Add write to group
                     			permissions="g-w"     - Remove write from group
                     			permissions="700"     - Set octal permission of rwx for owner, non for others


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include.
maxParallel java.lang.String 0 false Reduce the amount of parallelism by setting the maximum number of files to perform the operation on at one time. Defaults to 0 (unlimited). Setting this to a lower value will avoid the shell exception "too many arguments to command". Setting to around 300 may be optimal on some linux systems.
operationType java.util.List file false The operation type: One of file, dir, both. The 'file' type means only file permissions are changed. The 'dir' type means only directory permissions are changed. The 'both' type, means both directory and file matches have the chown operation performed upon them.
permissions java.lang.String 755 false The octal or symbolic permissions to change. See the usage above.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
targetDirectory java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/change true OPTIONAL: Path to a directory to use when changing permissions. Permissions are changed recursively below this directory unless filesets are specified.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/change.ext true OPTIONAL: Path to a file to use when changing permission. Permissions are changed for this file only.
verbose java.lang.Boolean true false If enabled, print verbose output to the log file.

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Chown (Change file ownership)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ChownTask
Category Unix

Change Owner Task.


Unix style chown (change file ownerships) of a file or directory. The target file/directory must exist.

Warning: This is a Unix/Linux/Mac only task. The task will be ignored on Windows platforms.
Warning: This is a root only task. The task will fail where the orchestration process is running under a non-root user.


Warning: This task may recursively change file ownerships. Care should be taken when specifying directories and owners as in certain circumstances it is possible to change permissions on a server so as to render that server unusable. In the worst case scenario, the server may need to be rebuilt, resored from backup or booted from external disk.
Example ownerships:


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filesetExcludes java.lang.String   false ANT FileSet Style list of files to exclude.
filesetIncludes java.lang.String **/* false ANT FileSet Style list of files to include.
maxParallel java.lang.String 0 false Reduce the amount of parallelism by setting the maximum number of files to perform the operation on at one time. Defaults to 0 (unlimited). Setting this to a lower value will avoid the shell exception "too many arguments to command". Setting to around 300 may be optimal on some linux systems.
operationType java.util.List file false The operation type: One of file, dir, both. The 'file' type means only file permissions are changed. The 'dir' type means only directory permissions are changed. The 'both' type, means both directory and file matches have the chown operation performed upon them.
owner java.lang.String   false The new owner of the file or filesets. See the usage above.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
targetDirectory java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/change true OPTIONAL: Path to a directory to use when changing ownership. Ownerships are changed recursively below this directory unless filesets are specified.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/change.ext true OPTIONAL: Path to a file to use when changing ownership. Ownerships are changed for this file only.
verbose java.lang.Boolean true false If enabled, print verbose output to the log file.

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Control a Service

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ControlServiceTask
Category Unix

Control a Service


Task to control a service on Linux Server.
Supports services controlled with System V or System D.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
action java.util.List start false The action to perform. Only stop, start and restart are suppported for System V. All actions are supported for systemd.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${serviceOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'service' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the service action succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${serviceOutput}.
service java.lang.String   true The name of the service to control, or a pattern. The service name is required by most actions.
serviceType java.util.List systemd false The type of service. One of systemd (newer, uses 'systemctl' command) or systemv (older, uses 'service' command).
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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File (Determine file type)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.FileTypeTask
Category Unix

Determine file type.


Unix style file command. The target file/directory must exist.

Warning: This is a Unix/Linux/Mac only task. The task will be ignored on Windows platforms.


The outputParameter from the task will contain the file type. Example output:
               Bourne-Again shell script text executable


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fileOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'file' command on the platform. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fileOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
targetFile java.lang.String /tmp/path/to/file false Path to the file to check type.

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Find the Path of a Unix Executable

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.FindExecutablePathTask
Category Unix

Task to find the path of the given executable.


Task to find the path of the given executable. The standard bin directories on Unix/linux are checked.
If the executable name is found, the path to the executable is returned in the outputParameter and the outputResult is 'true'.
If the executable is not found, the outputParameter is unset and the outputResult is 'false'.


The following locations are searched for the executable:


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
executableName java.lang.String   false The name of the unix executable to check.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${executablePath} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the string output from the task. The output will be the path to the executable, if found. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${executablePath}.
outputResult java.lang.String ${executableExistsResult} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the boolean (as string) output from the task. The output will be 'true' if a path to the executable is found, and 'false' if not. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${executableExistsResult}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get Linux Release

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.GetLinuxOSInfoTask
Category Unix

Determine Linux release info.


Gets the Linux release info (if available).

Warning: This is a Linux only task. The task will be ignored on Windows/Mac platforms.


The outputParameter from the task will contain the Linux Release. One of: CentOS, Red Hat, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, SUSE. The outputdata from the task will contain the release info as contained in the discovered release file.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputData java.lang.String ${osReleaseInfo} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the OS info found on the platform, or null if not found. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${osReleaseInfo}.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${osRelease} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the OS release on the platform, or null if not found. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${osRelease}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Ps (Retrieve process data)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.PsTask
Category Unix

Task to retrieve process information.


Unix style ps task. Either retrieve process data for all users or the specified user.

Warning: This is a Unix/Linux/Mac only task. The task will be ignored on Windows platforms.


Retrieves a process list of all processes or specific user processes, which are written to the outputParameter.
If you specify a value for filter, the process list will be filtered (grep) for entries that match this string.

The outputResult will be true if the 'ps' command on the platform after filtering for filter and user, returns a result (one or more matching processes).

If no matching processes are found and failOnError is true, the orchestration will be failed.
If no matching processes are found and failOnError is false, the outputResult will be false.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filter java.lang.String   true Filter the process list (grep) for only those entries matching the filter pattern.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${psOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'ps' command on the platform. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${psOutput}.
outputResult java.lang.String ${processFound} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The outputResult will be true if the 'ps' command on the platform after filtering for filter and user, returns a result (one or more matching processes). The outputResult will be false if no matching process is found. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${processFound}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
user java.lang.String   true The user whose processes should be retrieved. If blank, all users process data is retrieved.

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Run Commands And Report

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.RunCommandsAndReportTask
Category Unix


This task runs a command or command on the target and writes the results to a given file if specified.


Note: This task is only supported on AIX and Linux Operating Systems


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
commands java.lang.String lsvg -l appsvg, lsvg -o, vmstat false A command or list of commands to run, de-limited by a comma.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
logfile java.lang.String /tmp/reportFile.out true If this parameter is specified then the task will write the results to this file.
refreshlogfile java.lang.Boolean false true If true, log file name specified by parameter "logfile" will be re-created i.e. this will not append the result.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Set Environment Variables

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.SetEnvironmentVariablesTask
Category Unix

Set Environment Variables Task


This task will permanently set environment variables on the target Unix/Linux/Mac server, by updating a user profile.
This task is skipped on a Windows platform.


Use this task to permanently set variables on the target server. Runs in two modes, determined by setFromEnvironmentFile. If this variable is set to "true", variables are sourced from the specified file. If "false", variables are sourced from entries with type VARIABLE.

Key value pairs from task entries

To create or update a variable, add entry with type "VARIABLE" with the variable name, e.g.
and set "value" to the corresponding value, e.g.

To concatenate a new value to an existing variable, add entry with type "VARIABLE with the variable, e.g.
set the "value" for this entry to

Name value pairs sourced from environment specific file

Specify the path to the file that contains environment variables Example contents of this file:


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
envPropertyFilePath java.lang.String   true The path identifying the property file containing environment variables to set
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
profileName java.lang.String   true The name of the profile file to update. If left blank, the profile will be determined from the first profile found in this order: .bash_profile, .profile
setFromEnvironmentFile java.lang.Boolean true false Use the environment file identified by envPropertyFilePath. This file should contain environment variable key/value pairs to set permanently.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String   true The username to set the environment variables for. if left blank, will default to the current user for the RapidDeploy agent or Ssh. If a username is entered, and the RapidDeploy process is not running as root, an exception may be raised, since a non-root user cannot normally change another users profile.

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Shutdown Server

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ShutdownTask
Category Unix

Task to Shutdown and optionally restart Unix Server. If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
fast java.lang.Boolean false false Perform a fast shutdown (Linux). Fast startup (AIX, no fsck).
halt java.lang.Boolean false false Halt or poweroff after shutdown. Halts the operating system completely.
reboot java.lang.Boolean true false Restarts the system after being shutdown with the reboot command.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.

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Su Command Runner

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.SuTask
Category Unix

Task to run a command with different credentials to the RapidDeploy user. This task is only valid if the RapidDeploy orchestration process or the agent is running as root.

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
command java.lang.String /usr/bin/whoami false Command to run through sudo.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
user java.lang.String a non root user false User to run the command as.

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Sudo Command Runner

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.SudoTask
Category Unix

Task to run a command with different credentials to the RapidDeploy user.

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
command java.lang.String /usr/bin/whoami false Command to run through sudo.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
group java.lang.String   true Group to run the command as.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${sudoOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'sudo' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the user creation succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${sudoOutput}.
password java.lang.String   true Password for sudo. If blank, will run in non-interactive mode.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
user java.lang.String   false User to run the command as, or root if blank.

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Wall Message

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.WallTask
Category Unix

Task to display messages to Unix users. On a Mac the message parameter must point to a file containing the message.

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
message java.lang.String RapidDeploy Job Execution starting. false The message to send. On unix/Linux enter the message here. On a Mac this parameter should point to a file containing the message.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Yum Installer

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.YumTask
Category Unix

Yum Task


Run a Yum command on Red Hat or Centos Linux.
For more information see:
Yum Documentation


RapidDeploy will always run with the "-y" option so that user interaction is never required.

If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
command java.util.List list false Yum Command to run. One of: [check-update|clean|deplist|downgrade|erase|groupinfo|groupinstall|grouplist|groupremove|help|info|install|list|localinstall|makecache|provides|reinstall|repolist|resolvedep|search|shell|update|upgrade] Optionally followed by package(s) to perform the command on.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${yumOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'yum' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the user creation succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${yumOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.
verbose java.lang.Boolean false true Verbose mode. Equivalent to the -v option.

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List Disk Partitions (fdisk)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ListPartitionsWithFdiskTask
Category Unix - Disk


This task runs 'fdisk -l' on the target to list disk partitions and writes the results to a given outputParameter. Warning: This is a Linux only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${fdiskOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'fdisk -l' command on the platform. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${fdiskOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.

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List Disk Partitions (parted)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ListPartitionsWithPartedTask
Category Unix - Disk


This task runs 'parted -l' on the target to list disk partitions and writes the results to a given outputParameter. Warning: This is a Linux only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${partedOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'fdisk -l' command on the platform. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${partedOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.

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Manipulate Disk Partitions (parted)

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.ManipulatePartitionsWithPartedTask
Category Unix - Disk


This task runs 'parted -s' on the target to manipulate disk partitions and writes the results to a given outputParameter. Enter the actual commands to run in the partedCommands text area. Place each command on a new line.

Warning: This is a Linux only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.

Some parted commands are listed here. Check the parted man page for a list of up-to-date commands.

help [command]
Print general help, or help on command if specified.

align-check type partition
Check if partition satisfies the alignment constraint of type. type must be "minimal" or "optimal".

mklabel label-type
Create a new disklabel (partition table) of label-type. label-type should be one of "aix", "amiga", "bsd", "dvh", "gpt", "loop", "mac", "msdos", "pc98", or "sun".

mkpart part-type [fs-type] start end
Make a part-type partition for filesystem fs-type (if specified), beginning at start and ending at end (by default in megabytes). fs-type can be one of "btrfs", "ext2", "ext3", "ext4", "fat16", "fat32", "hfs", "hfs+", "linux-swap", "ntfs", "reiserfs", or "xfs". part-type should be one of "primary", "logical", or "extended".

name partition name
Set the name of partition to name. This option works only on Mac, PC98, and GPT disklabels. The name can be placed in quotes, if necessary.

print Display the partition table.

quit Exit from parted.

rescue start end
Rescue a lost partition that was located somewhere between start and end. If a partition is found, parted will ask if you want to create an entry for it in the partition table.

rm partition
Delete partition.

select device
Choose device as the current device to edit. device should usually be a Linux hard disk device, but it can be a partition, software raid device, or an LVM logical volume if necessary.

set partition flag state
Change the state of the flag on partition to state. Supported flags are: "boot", "root", "swap", "hidden", "raid", "lvm", "lba", "legacy_boot" and "palo". state should be either "on" or "off".

unit unit
Set unit as the unit to use when displaying locations and sizes, and for interpreting those given by the user when not suffixed with an explicit unit. unit can be one of "s" (sectors), "B" (bytes), "kB", "MB", "MiB", "GB", "GiB", "TB", "TiB", "%" (percentage of device size), "cyl" (cylinders), "chs" (cylinders, heads, sectors), or "compact" (megabytes for input, and a human-friendly form for output).

toggle partition flag
Toggle the state of flag on partition.

Display version information and a copyright message.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
device java.lang.String /dev/xvda true The device to perform commands on.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${partedOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'fdisk -l' command on the platform. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${partedOutput}.
partedCommands TextArea mklabel gpt mkpart primary 1MiB 100MiB mkpart primary 100MiB 200MiB false The set of parted commands (with options) to run. Enter each command on a new line. You may use data dictionary parameters and output paramters from previous commands. Check the parted man page for a list of supported commands and options
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.

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Add a Group

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.AddGroupTask
Category Unix - User/Group

Task to add a group.


Unix task to add a group.

Warning: This is a Linux/AIX only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


Add a group to the target OS.

If failOnError is set to true, any exception or non-zero return code, including if the group already exists, will fail the job.
If failOnError is set to false, any exception thrown from the command will not fail the job. The exception will be returned in the outputParameter.

If you want to allow for an existing group, either use the CheckGroupsExistTask and an IfTask, or set failOnError to false and test the outputParameter in later tasks.

If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
gid java.lang.String   true The (optional) gid (group id) to use when creating the group. If this gid is already in use, an exception will be thrown.
group java.lang.String   false The group to be created.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${groupOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'add group' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the group creation succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${groupOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.

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Add a User

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.AddUserTask
Category Unix - User/Group

Task to add a user.


Unix task to add a user.

Warning: This is a Linux/AIX only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


Add a user to the target OS.

If failOnError is set to true, any exception or non-zero return code, including if the user already exists, will fail the job.
If failOnError is set to false, any exception thrown from the command will not fail the job. The exception will be returned in the outputParameter.

If you want to allow for an existing user, either use the CheckUserTask and an IfTask, or set failOnError to false and test the outputParameter in later tasks.

If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
group java.lang.String   true The (optional) gid (group id) of the primary group to set when creating the user.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${userOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'add user' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the user creation succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${userOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.
uid java.lang.String   true The (optional) uid (user id) to use when creating the user. If this uid is already in use, an exception will be thrown.
username java.lang.String   false The username to be created.

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Add User to a Group

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.AddUserToGroupTask
Category Unix - User/Group

Task to add a user to a group.


Unix task to add a group.

Warning: This is a Linux/AIX only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


Add a user to a group to the target OS.

If failOnError is set to true, any exception or non-zero return code, including if the group assignment already exists, will fail the job.
If failOnError is set to false, any exception thrown from the command will not fail the job. The exception will be returned in the outputParameter.

If you want to allow for an existing user/group assignment, either use the CheckUserTask and an IfTask, or set failOnError to false and test the outputParameter in later tasks.

If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
group java.lang.String   false The group to add the user to.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${groupUserOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'add user to group' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the user addition succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${groupUserOutput}.
primaryGroup java.lang.Boolean false false Make this the users primary group.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.
username java.lang.String   false The user to be added.

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Check User

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.CheckUserTask
Category Unix - User/Group

Task to check a user exists.


Unix style check user exists task. The target user must exist.

Warning: This is a Unix/Linux/Mac only task. The task will be ignored on Windows platforms.


The id of the user is checked.

If the user is found, outputResultParameter variable will be set to true and the outputTextParameter variable will contain the result string from the id check.
If the user does not exist and failOnError is set to true, the task will fail.
If the user does not exist and failOnError is set to false, the task will complete as failed (red) but execution will continue. The outputResultParameter variable will be set to false.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputResultParameter java.lang.String ${checkUserOutputResult} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the boolean (as a string) output from the task. The output will be either 'true' if the user exists, or 'false' if not. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${checkUserOutputResult}.
outputTextParameter java.lang.String ${checkUserOutputText} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'id' command on the platform. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${checkUserOutputText}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
user java.lang.String   false The user to check.

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Delete a Group

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.DeleteGroupTask
Category Unix - User/Group

Task to delete a group.


Unix task to add a group.

Warning: This is a Linux/Mac/AIX only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


Delete a group from the target OS.

If failOnError is set to true, any exception or non-zero return code, including if the group doesn't exist, will fail the job.
If failOnError is set to false, any exception thrown from the command will not fail the job. The exception will be returned in the outputParameter.

If you want to allow for an non-existent group, either use the CheckGroupsExistTask and an IfTask, or set failOnError to false and test the outputParameter in later tasks.

If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
group java.lang.String   false The group to be deleted.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${groupOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'delete group' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the group deletion succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${groupOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.

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Delete a User

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.DeleteUserTask
Category Unix - User/Group

Task to delete a user.


Unix task to add a user.

Warning: This is a Linux/Mac/AIX only task. The task will be ignored on other platforms.


Delete a user from the target OS.

If failOnError is set to true, any exception or non-zero return code, including if the user doesn't exist, will fail the job.
If failOnError is set to false, any exception thrown from the command will not fail the job. The exception will be returned in the outputParameter.

If you want to allow for an non-existent user, either use the CheckUserTask and an IfTask, or set failOnError to false and test the outputParameter in later tasks.

If the orchestration or agent process is running as a non-root user, the task will try to run commands via sudo. If sudo requires a password from the user running the orchestration or agent process, enter it in the sudoPassword optional field.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${userOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which holds the text string output from the task. The output will be the result of the 'delete user' command on the platform. Typically this will be blank if the user deletion succeeds. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (later tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${userOutput}.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
sudoPassword java.lang.String   true The sudo password, if required, to run the command through sudo. Only required if non-root user requiring sudo password.
username java.lang.String   false The username to be deleted.

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Groups Contains Users Test

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.CheckGroupsUsersTask
Category Unix - User/Group


This task checks whether a local group or groups contains a specified set of local users or user. You can also use this task to check that a group only has a certain set of specified local users.


Note: This task is only supported on AIX and Linux Operating Systems


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
checktype java.lang.String ContainUserListOnly false If "ContainUserListOnly" is specified then the task will make sure that only the specified set of users exist within the local group.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean false false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
groups java.lang.String groupName1,groupsName2 false A group or list of groups to check, de-limited by a comma.
logfile java.lang.String /tmp/reportFile.out true If this parameter is specified then the task will write the results to this file.
refreshlogfile java.lang.Boolean false true If true, log file name specified by parameter "logfile" will be re-created i.e. this will not append the result.
resultOutputParameter java.lang.String ${groupsUsersCheckResult} false The result of groups users check. Sample output: groupName1 username1(true), username2(false), username1(authorised), username2(unauthorised). Note that it will be ignored if failOnError parameter is true
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
users java.lang.String userName1,userName2 false A user or list of users to check for, de-limited by a comma.

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Groups Exist Test

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.CheckGroupsExistTask
Category Unix - User/Group


This task checks whether a local group or groups exist on the target location.


Note: This task is only supported on AIX and Linux Operating Systems


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean false false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
groups java.lang.String groupName1,groupsName2 false A group or list of groups to check for de-limited by a comma.
logfile java.lang.String /tmp/reportFile.out true If this parameter is specified then the task will write the results to this file.
refreshlogfile java.lang.Boolean false true If true, log file name specified by parameter "logfile" will be re-created i.e. this will not append the result.
resultOutputParameter java.lang.String ${groupsExistCheckResult} false Coma separated list of True or False value depending on group exists check result. Note that it will be ignored if failOnError parameter is true
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Users Existence Test

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.CheckUsersExistTask
Category Unix - User/Group


This task checks whether a local user or users exist on the target. It also checks for valid and invalid home directories.


Note: This task is only supported on AIX and Linux Operating Systems


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean false false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
invalidhomedirectories java.lang.String /tmp/userName1,/tmp/userName2 true A list of invalid home directories to check for, de-limited by a comma.
logfile java.lang.String /tmp/reportFile.out true If this parameter is specified then the task will write the results to this file.
refreshlogfile java.lang.Boolean false true If true, log file name specified by parameter "logfile" will be re-created i.e. this will not append the result.
resultOutputParameter java.lang.String ${usersExistCheckResult} false Coma separated list of True or False value depending on user exists check result. Note that it will be ignored if failOnError parameter is true
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
users java.lang.String userName1,userName2 false A user or list of users to check, de-limited by a comma.
validhomedirectories java.lang.String /home/userName1,/home/userName2 true A list of valid home directories to check for, de-limited by a comma.

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Users in Groups Test

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.unix.CheckUsersBelongToGroupsTask
Category Unix - User/Group


This task checks whether a local user or users belongs to a specified set of groups or group.


Note: This task is only supported on AIX and Linux Operating Systems


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean false false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
groups java.lang.String groupName1,groupsName2 false A group or list of groups to check in, de-limited by a comma.
logfile java.lang.String /tmp/reportFile.out true If this parameter is specified then the task will write the results to this file.
refreshlogfile java.lang.Boolean false true If true, log file name specified by parameter "logfile" will be re-created i.e. this will not append the result.
resultOutputParameter java.lang.String ${userBelongToGroupCheckResult} false The result of user belongs to group check. Sample output: userName1 groupname1(true), groupname2(false), groupname3(not exist). Note that it will be ignored if failOnError parameter is true
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
users java.lang.String userName1,userName2 false A user or list of users to check, de-limited by a comma.