Web Servers

First of all the installation flag must be properly set:


Then, the following variables can be configured in order to create Web Servers, where "_n" is an incrementing number starting by 1 ("_1"):

Variable Description Default Value Required
webServerName_n Server name. Yes
webServerNodeName_n Node name. Yes
webServerWebPort_n Port number. Yes
webServerServiceName_n Service name. Yes
webServerWebInstallRoot_n Web server installation location. Yes
webServerPluginInstallRoot_n Plug-in installation location. Yes
webServerWebAppMapping_n Application mapping to the Web server. "ALL" No
webServerIMEnable_n Enable Intelligent Management capabilities for your web server. "false" No
webServerIMRetryInterval_n Specifies the time interval (in seconds) between connection attempts. 60 No
webServerIMMaxRetries_n Specifies the maximum number of retries for enabling the Intelligent Management service. 0 No