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Download From Maven Repository

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.artifact.maven.task.DownloadFromMavenTask
Category Apache Maven

Download From Maven Repository Task.


Download From Maven Task. Downloads an artifact from a remote maven repository, to a local respository.

If the local repository does not exist, it is created. Maven does NOT need to be installed locally.
If the local artifact already exists, it will not be downloaded again.


mavenArtifactId - The Maven artifact Id. Please see Maven documentation.
Syntax: <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version>
Example: org.apache.maven:maven-profile:[1.0.0,3.0.0) - Resolves all versions between 1.0.0 and 3.0.0;
Example: org.apache.maven:maven-profile:[1.0.0,) - Resolves all versions between 1.0.0 and LATEST

artifactVersion - The version to download. In this example, if the localRepositoryPath is
and the artifactVersion is
, then the files are downloaded to

resolveDependencies If this is set to true, transitive (compile) dependencies of the artifact will be resolved (downloaded) into the local repository. If set to true in the above example, we would see:
                     				org.apache.maven:maven-profile:jar:2.2.1 resolved to /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/org/apache/maven/maven-profile/2.2.1/maven-profile-2.2.1.jar
                     				org.apache.maven:maven-model:jar:2.2.1 resolved to /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/org/apache/maven/maven-model/2.2.1/maven-model-2.2.1.jar
                     				org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils:jar:1.5.15 resolved to /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.5.15/plexus-utils-1.5.15.jar
                     				org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-interpolation:jar:1.11 resolved to /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-interpolation/1.11/plexus-interpolation-1.11.jar
                     				org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-container-default:jar:1.0-alpha-9-stable-1 resolved to /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-container-default/1.0-alpha-9-stable-1/plexus-container-default-1.0-alpha-9-stable-1.jar
                     				junit:junit:jar:3.8.1 resolved to /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/junit/junit/3.8.1/junit-3.8.1.jar
                     				classworlds:classworlds:jar:1.1 resolved to /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/classworlds/classworlds/1.1/classworlds-1.1.jar


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
artifactVersion java.lang.String 2.2.1 false The version to download. In this example will download the jar to: /scratch/working/builds/local_repo/org/apache/maven/maven-profile/2.2.1/maven-profile-2.2.1.jar
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
localRepositoryPath java.lang.String /scratch/working/builds/local_repo true The local Maven repository path. If the repository does not exist at this location, it will be created.
mavenArtifactId java.lang.String org.apache.maven:maven-profile:[1.0.0,3.0.0) false The Maven artifact Id. Please see Maven documentation. The artifact identifier. Syntax: <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version>, must not be null. Example: org.apache.maven:maven-profile:[1.0.0,3.0.0) Resolves all versions between 1.0.0 and 3.0.0; Example: org.apache.maven:maven-profile:[1.0.0,) Resolves all versions between 1.0.0 and LATEST
password java.lang.String   true Optional password to use to authenticate when connecting to the remote repository (if required).
proxyHost java.lang.String   true Optional proxy server hostname or IP address (if using a proxy connection).
proxyPassword java.lang.String   true Optional password to use to authenticate with a proxy server (if using a proxy connection).
proxyPort java.lang.String   true Optional proxy server port (if using a proxy connection).
proxyUsername java.lang.String   true Optional username to use to authenticate with a proxy server (if using a proxy connection).
remoteRepositoryUrl java.lang.String false The remote Maven repository URL
resolveDependencies java.lang.Boolean false false Resolve the dependencies of this artifact.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String   true Optional username to use to authenticate when connecting to the remote repository (if required).