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Subversion Repository Operations

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.scm.subversion.task.RepositoryOperations
Category Subversion

Subversion Repository Operations


Perform a task against the Subversion repository. Select from one of:

checkout - Checkout a folder from SVN. If the local working copy already exists, just update it.

commit - Commit the contents of the local working copy to the repository.

getRevision - Get the current revision from the local working copy.

resynchronise - Delete the local working copy (if it exists) and then perform a new checkout.

addEntry - Schedule a new file or folder (and all sub folders and files) which has/have been added to the local working copy for inclusion in next commit. If the file exists and has already been added for inclusion, or is already a file under revision control, this operation is ignored.

deleteEntry - Delete a file or folder (recursively) from the local working copy (that is under version control) and schedule for deletion in next commit. If the file previously existed but has already been deleted and scheduled for inclusion in the next commit, this operation is ignored.

createFile - Utility operation to create an empty file in the local working copy. Equivalent to using the 'Touch' task. If the file exists, this operation is ignored.

makeDirectory - Utility operation to make a directory in the local working copy. Equivalent to using the 'Make Directory' task. If the folder exists, this operation is ignored.

The addEntry, deleteEntry, createFile, makeDirectory options require a filePath entry.

When adding files or folders to the local working copy using the utility operations or other RapidDeploy orchestration tasks, please remember to use the addEntry to mark those added files or folders for inclusion on the next commit.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String   true The path to the file. Required for addEntry, deleteEntry, createFile, makeDirectory operations.
operation java.util.List checkout false The operation to perform. One of: checkout, commit, getRevision, resynchronise, addEntry, deleteEntry, createFile, makeDirectory The addEntry, deleteEntry, createFile, makeDirectory require a filePath entry.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${svnOutput} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the SVN output. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${svnOutput}.
retryCount java.lang.String 1 false The retry count. The number of times to retry a subversion call, before failing. The time between successive retry calls is set with the "retryInterval" setting
retryInterval java.lang.String 5000 false The retry interval in milliseconds. If set, the amount of time to wait before retrying a subversion call.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
svnPassword java.lang.String   false Password to use to authenticate when connecting to SVN (if required).
svnRepositoryUrl java.lang.String false The Svn Repository URL of the RapidDeploy project. This is not the URL to the top level of the repository, rather the URL to the top level of the project location in the repository.
svnUsername java.lang.String   false Username to use to authenticate when connecting to SVN (if required).
svnWorkingDirectory java.lang.String /path/to/local/working/copy false The location on the file system where the local Svn Working Copy directory will reside. This location will be used to perform an Svn "Checkout" operation. The Svn project artifacts will be copied to this location. If the repository and working copy should get out of sync, delete this directory. It will be recreated on the next checkout operation.