Handling manual steps

Sometimes in an automated job, you need to run a manual step at a point in-between other automated tasks.

In RapidDeploy you can do this using the HaltTask. This task will halt the job on the target, waiting for user input. Optionally, a timeout value can be specified beyond which the job will continue or be failed.

When the job is run through the UI, if a HaltTask is encountered, the job execution progress bar turns yellow and the job is halted.

All users specified in the 'Project' -> 'Orchestration' -> 'Settings' tab -> 'Email' list will receive an email stating that the job is halted and displaying the notes entered in the task.

The user completes any manual steps required. They then click the "Play" button on the actions bar to the right of the halted deployment line item in the executing jobs panel.