Provisioning WebSphere onto a Target server.
In this section we will demostrate how to configure a project to install IBM WebSphere Application Server ND v8.0, then install the Fix Pack followed by the Web v2.0 Mobile Feature Pack on to a target server. The project will then create a secured Deployment Manager and a secured (co-located) Managed Node. If we wanted to, we could have installed the Managed Node onto a separate server and federate the node back into the deployment manager, but in this example the deployment manager and managed node are co-located on the same server.
This example has been written for IBM WebSphere Application Server ND v8.0 but it also works for IBM WebSphere Application Server ND v8.5 by changing repository locations and the packake IDs.
You can find a blueprint on our WebSite that can be used as a working example of how to configure the plugin to install WebSphere.
Target Server Requirements
For the project orchestration to successfully work, the product "IBM Installation Manager" must be pre-installed on the target server. We can use RapidDeploy to install IBM Installation Manager on to the target server, but this example assumes it has already been installed.
The target server firewall must also be open for the following port numbers: 28000, 28001. This allows the user to be able to access the IBM console once it has been started.
The repositories containing the WAS binaries must be accessable from the target server either on the file system or by resolvable URLs. The repositories can be downloaded from the IBM web site, alternatively a URL repository could be used as the repository location to download the software on demand, but beware if you use a URL for the repository then there will be over 4Gb data to copy over the network while this job is running.
- Link to binary and feature pack downloads
- Link to fix pack downlooads
At MidVision we have created a pre-baked Amazon Web Services AMI with all the pre-requitisites set-up. Please get in contact with and we can talk about sharing this with you.
Project Definintion
You can find a blueprint on our WebSite that can be used as a working example of how to configure the plugin to install WebSphere.
If the binaries have all been successfully installed, the orchestration will then create a deployment manager profile, secure it and then start it up. Next the managed node profile will be created (federated into the deployment manager), secured and started up.
** Target Data Dictionary Contents, Below is the contents of the target data dictionary data that you can use in your RapidDeploy project. In a real life scenario, you would create the @@DMGR_ADMIN_PASSWORD@@ dictionary item as a password so it is stored encypted on the server. Make sure you change the @@HOSTNAME@@ dictionary item to be the resolvable DNS of your target server.
@@INSTALLATION_MANAGER_PATH@@=/opt/IBM/InstallationManager @@WAS_ND_REPOSITORY_PATH@@=/software/binaries/ibm/websphere/v8 @@WAS_FIX_PACK_REPOSITORY_PATH@@=/software/binaries/ibm/websphere/v8_FixPacks/8_0_0_8 @@WAS_FEATURE_PACK_REPOSITORY_PATH@@=/software/binaries/ibm/websphere/v8_FeaturePacks/web2mobile @@WAS_BASE_PATH@@=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer @@SOAP_TIMEOUT@@=600 @@DMGR_PROFILE_NAME@@=Dmgr01 @@NODE_PROFILE_NAME@@=AppSrv01 @@DMGR_STARTING_PORT@@=28000 @@DMGR_SOAP_CONNECTOR_PORT@@=28003 @@DMGR_ADMIN_USERNAME@@=wasadmin @@DMGR_ADMIN_PASSWORD@@=wasadmin @@CELL_NAME@@=cell01 @@NODE_NAME@@=node01 @@USER_ID@@=root ----------------------------------------
Run The Job
Once the server and the project have been configured, you must create a package and then run the job using the package on the target server. When the job has started, it takes about 30 mins to complete (depending on your network connection and repository locations).
Test The Installation
If the job has been successful, you can then log into the WebSphere console using the standard URL (replace the hostname with the resolvable DNS of your target server): Use the username: wasadmin and the password: wasadmin. You should see that the version is set to Navigate to the Nodes and you should see the two nodes in the console.
If you log directly onto the server using a PUTTY session you will also see the directory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/web2mobile which contains the feature pack files.