Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
appContextRoot | java.lang.String | @@appContextRoot@@ | false | Context root of the application. |
appLocation | java.lang.String | @@appLocation@@ | false | Location of the application expressed as an absolute path or a path relative to the server-level apps directory. |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
featureList | java.lang.String | @@featureList@@ | false | Specifies a comma separated list of features to be used when the server runs. |
hostname | java.lang.String | @@hostname@@ | false | IP address, domain name server (DNS) host name with domain name suffix, or just the DNS host name, used by a client to request a parameter. Use '*' for all available network interfaces. |
httpPort | java.lang.String | @@httpPort@@ | false | The port used for client HTTP requests. Use -1 to disable this port. |
httpsPort | java.lang.String | @@httpsPort@@ | false | The port used for client HTTP requests secured with SSL (https). Use -1 to disable this port. |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
template | java.lang.String | @@template@@ | true | Specify the name of the template to use when creating a new server. If set the server will be created using this template otherwise the server.xml configuration file will be generated with information from the RapidDeploy environment configuration. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
wlpUserDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpUserDir@@ | false | The server user directory. The value of the ${wlp.user.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
applicationRelativePath | java.lang.String | @@applicationRelativePath@@ | true | Specifies the relative path to the application file in the package to deploy. If this is not specified then the configuration name of the current deployment is used to look for a file in the package with the extension of [ear,war]. |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
force | java.lang.Boolean | true | true | If set to false the application will only be deployed if the application file (WAR, EAR, etc.) is newer than the one already deployed. If set to true the application file will overwrite any file already deployed. |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
specificConfigurationRequired | java.lang.Boolean | false | false | If application-specific configuration is not required, the application will be placed in the monitored "dropins" directory. Be sure to maintain the file extension of the archive or directory so that the server can determine the type of the application. Do not define the "dropin" applications in the server configuration. If application-specific configuration is required, the application will be placed into the "apps" directory and you will have to define the application in the server configuration. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
wlpUserDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpUserDir@@ | false | The server user directory. The value of the ${wlp.user.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
archive | java.lang.String | @@archive@@ | true | Specify the archive target to be generated by the package or dump action. The target can be specified either as an absolute path or as a relative path. If this option is omitted, the archive file will be created in the server output directory. The target file name extension might influence the format of the generated archive. The default archive format for the package action is "pax" on z/OS and "zip" on all other platforms. Archive format "jar" will produce a self-extracting jar similar to the original installer archive. |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
include | java.lang.String | @@include@@ | true | A comma-delimited list of values. "heap", "system" and "thread" options are available |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
installNew | java.lang.Boolean | false | true | If set to true the installation directory path is checked to see if WebShpere Liberty Profile is already installed, if it is then the installation will be replaced. If set to false and if WebSphere Liberty Profile is already installed, the installation will not be overridden. |
packageRelativeInstallationFile | java.lang.String | j2ee/wlp-runtime- | false | Specifies the package relative path to the WebSphere Liberty Profile installation binaries. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
include | java.lang.String | @@include@@ | true | A comma-delimited list of values. "heap" and "system" options are available |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
archive | java.lang.String | @@archive@@ | true | Specify the archive target to be generated by the package or dump action. The target can be specified either as an absolute path or as a relative path. If this option is omitted, the archive file will be created in the server output directory. The target file name extension might influence the format of the generated archive. The default archive format for the package action is "pax" on z/OS and "zip" on all other platforms. Archive format "jar" will produce a self-extracting jar similar to the original installer archive. |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
include | java.lang.String | @@include@@ | true | A comma-delimited list of values. "all", "usr" and "minify" options are available |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
binaryFilesetExcludes | java.lang.String | **/tmp*,**/temp* | true | ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot. |
binaryFilesetIncludes | java.lang.String | **/*.jar,**/*.war,**/*.zip | true | ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot. |
configFilesetExcludes | java.lang.String | **/tmpworklog*.log, **/*.jar, **/*.war, **/*.rar | true | ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot. |
configFilesetIncludes | java.lang.String | conf/*.xml,conf/**/*.xml,conf/*.properties,conf/**/*.properties | true | ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot. |
downloadBinaries | java.lang.Boolean | false | true | When set to true, the binaries filtered by the 'binaryFilesetIncludes' and 'binaryFilesetExcludes' parameters will be downloaded as part of the snapshot. |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
installationPath | java.lang.String | false | The top level directory of the WAS Liberty Profile installation. The ANT fileset patterns will be used to select files recursively below this directory to include in a snapshot. | |
rapiddeployUrl | java.lang.String | true | The URL of the RapidDeploy server that performs the call to the target server. This URL needs to be complete, including port and context path, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/MidVision. This parameter is used to send back the snapshot file to the host server running the RapidDeploy web application. It does NOT need to be set in most cases. | |
saveOnTarget | java.lang.Boolean | false | true | If set to 'true' the snapshot file will be saved in the target server and not sent back to the RapidDeploy server. This option is not recommended as RapidDeploy can not keep track of the snapshots taken and the snapshot comparison feature can not be used. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
snapshotDirectory | java.lang.String | true | The directory location where the snapshots should be stored. This option should be used only when 'saveOnTarget' is set to 'true' or if you want to set a specific snapshot location on the RapidDeploy server (not recommended). |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
serverName | java.lang.String | @@serverName@@ | false | The name of the target server in the WAS Liberty Profile environment. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |
Class Name | |
Category | IBM WebSphere Liberty Profile |
Name | Type | Default Value | Optional | Description |
failOnError | java.lang.Boolean | true | false | This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. |
skipOnFailure | java.lang.String | Previous Task Name | true | Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not. |
wlpInstallDir | java.lang.String | @@wlpInstallDir@@ | false | The root path of WebSphere Liberty Profile installation. The value of the ${wlp.install.dir} property. |