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Deploy Archive File Via Jmx

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.JmxDeployFileTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

This task deploys ear/war files contained within the deployment archive into the WebLogic domain. This task uses JMX to perform the deployment.
The task uses the targetMappings variable specified in Task Entries with TYPE_PROPERTY to determine what to deploy. If this value is set to DEFAULT or is not present, then the application defined by the property file name will be deployed to the application server instance defined in the property file name. The mappings may be specified with the following syntax:

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Environment Variables that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY" Please set following variables:
NameTypeScopeDefault ValueOptionalDescription
targetMappingsjava.lang.StringPropertyIf this value is set to DEFAULT or is not present, then the application defined by the property file name will be deployed to the application server instance defined in the property file name.falseMap enterprise applications to WebLogic AppServer or Cluster targets
scopejava.lang.StringfalseThe scope to use. Supported Scopes: [environment]


Please ensure that wlfullclient.jar is in the rapiddeploy lib folder. Create this jar according to the Online Documentation

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
adminPort java.lang.String @@adminPort@@ false The WebLogic Admin Port.
deployAll java.lang.Boolean false true If set to true, this will deploy all ear files defined in the properties file to all targets.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ false The hostname to connect to for Jmx operations against the WebLogic domain.
password java.lang.String @@password@@ false The admin password to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
protocol java.util.List t3 false The WebLogic protocol uset to connect.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ false The admin username to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.

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Deploy Configuration Via Copy

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.DeployConfigurationTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

WebLogic Deploy Configuration Task.


This task deploys all the configuration contained within the deployment archive template into the WebLogic server. It copies the files into the following location: installPathToConfigure + RELATIVE_SERVER_DIRECTORY specified in task parameters.
This task uses a file based approach to deploy WebLogic configuration and/or binary files.

Copy Example

Using the above examples, all files under
in the archive, will be copied recursively to

Data Dictionary and Example

All variables in files, paths or filenames under the templateDirectoryRelativePath that match the pattern @@VARIABLE_NAME@@ will be replaced in the target in-situ environment with the corresponding value from the dictionary file.

Continuing with the above example, if an j2ee/wls/TEMPLATE/weblogicenvironment01_file/config/jdbc/JDBC_Data_Source-@@DS_NAME@@-3482-jdbc.xml file in the template has:
and the
file contains:
then at deployment time the JDBC_Data_Source-@@DS_NAME@@-3482-jdbc.xml will be deployed as /usr/WebLogic/bea/WLSTestCases/11g/MyGenericDomain/config/jdbc/JDBC_Data_Source-MyDataSource-3482-jdbc.xml


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
installPathToConfigure java.lang.String   true The path to the WebLogic installation. For example @@MV_WLS_HOME@@/bea/WLSTestCases/11g/MyGenericDomain/
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
templateDirectoryRelativePath java.lang.String   true This is the relative path to the configuration files within the deployment archive to copy onto the WebLogic server. For example: j2ee/wls/TEMPLATE/weblogicenvironment01_file. The files are recursively copied to installPathToConfigure

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Deploy Configuration Via Jmx

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.JmxDeployConfigurationTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

WebLogic Deploy Configuration Via Jmx Task.


This task deploys all the configuration contained within the deployment archive template into the WebLogic server.
This task uses JMX to deploy an XML based configuration template. Requirement: Please ensure that wlfullclient.jar is in the rapiddeploy lib folder. Create this jar according to these instructions.

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Environment Variables that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY"

Data Dictionary and Example

All variables in the xml file identified by templateFileRelativePath that match the pattern @@VARIABLE_NAME@@ will be replaced in the target in-situ environment with the corresponding value from the dictionary file.

If we have a dictionary file:
which contains:
Continuing with the above example, if the j2ee/wls/TEMPLATE/weblogicenvironment01/weblogicinstance01/wlwindows01_weblogicenvironment01_weblogicinstance01_7001_weblogic_201191918450657.xml template file has anywhere within it @@JVM_HEAP_MAX@@, then this will be replaced with 1024 before it imported into the WebLogic domain via JMX.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
adminPort java.lang.String @@adminPort@@ false The WebLogic Admin Port.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ false The hostname to connect to for Jmx operations against the WebLogic domain.
password java.lang.String @@password@@ false The admin password to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
templateFileRelativePath java.lang.String   true The relative path to the WebLogic template under the archiveRoot. The template is an XML file containing the configuration to deploy via JMX. For example: j2ee/wls/TEMPLATE/weblogicenvironment01/weblogicinstance01/wlwindows01_weblogicenvironment01_weblogicinstance01_7001_weblogic_201191918450657.xml
username java.lang.String @@username@@ false The admin username to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Compile

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.OracleFusionMiddlewareFormsCompileTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Compile Task.


Oracle Fusion Middleware Forms Compile Task.

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Configuration Properties that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY" These will be translated into environment variables passed to the script. The following parameters must be set:
NameTypeScopeExample ValueOptionalDescription
ORACLE_HOMEjava.lang.StringPropertyfalseThe path to the Oracle binary installation.
ORACLE_TERMjava.lang.StringPropertyvt220falseIf the TERM environment variable is not already set to a supported device name, you must set ORACLE_TERM. The ORACLE_TERM environment variable setting overrides the TERM environment variable setting.
NLS_LANGjava.lang.StringParameterAMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1falseNLS_LANG=language_territory.character set Setting NLS_LANG tells Oracle what characterset the client is using.
TERMjava.lang.StringParametervt220falseThe TERM environment variable.
ORACLE_SIDjava.lang.StringParameterfalseThe Oracle System ID (SID) is used to uniquely identify a particular database on a system. For this reason, one cannot have more than one database with the same SID on a computer system
ORACLE_INSTANCEjava.lang.StringParameterfalseIn 11g every ORACLE_HOME can support multiple instances. Every instance (ORACLE_INSTANCE) has its own configuration and diagnostic directories.
TNS_ADMINjava.lang.StringParameterfalseTNS_ADMIN is an environment variable that points to the directory where the SQL*Net configuration files (like sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora) are located.
FORMS_PATHjava.lang.StringParameterfalseFORMS_PATH is used by Forms Builder to record the location of attached libraries. FORMS_PATH/scripts/ should be resolvable on Uniux/Linux
USER_IDjava.lang.StringParameterfalseThe user id to use.
PASSWORDjava.lang.StringParameterfalseThe password to use.
SCHEMAjava.lang.StringParameterfalseThe Database schema. The connection to the database, identified by the CONN environment variable, is composed of: USER_ID/PASSWORD@SCHEMA


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
deploymentFile java.lang.String   false Path to binaries used in this task
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. If not set, defaults to true
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Snapshot WebLogic Server

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.SnapshotTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

Create a snapshot of a WebLogic server


This task creates a snapshot ZIP file of a WebLogic instance consisting on the specified included and excluded configuration files of the WebLogic installation location.


Using ANT fileset patterns set the included and excluded configuration files you want to be into the snapshot ZIP file.
By default the snapshot file will be saved in the RapidDeploy server in the location specified in the field 'Snapshots Path' of the environment configuration panel. If you want to use a different location (not recommended) you can set it using the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter.
If you select to save the snapshot file in the target server ('saveOnTarget') you need to specify the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter with the location in the target server where you want to save the snapshot file.


If you want to use the JMX interface snapshot ('wlsJmxSnapshot' set to true) the WebLogic admin client JARs need to be in the project classpath. These JARs are typically:
  • wlfullclient.jar


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
binaryFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/appclient/**, **/domain/**, **/welcome-content/**, **/tmp/**, **/data/**, **/log/**, **/*.log, **/*tmp*, tmp/** true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
binaryFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.jar, **/*.ear, **/*.war, **/*.zip, **/*.rar, **/*.gif, **/*.ico, **/*.class, **/*.png, **/*.aop, **/*.keystore true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
configFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/appclient/**, **/domain/**, **/welcome-content/**, **/tmp/**, **/data/**, **/log/**, **/*_xml_history/**, **/*.log, docs/**, welcome/** true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
configFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.xml, **/*.properties, **/*.MF, **/*.mib, **/*.html, **/*.xsl, **/*.css, **/*.jsp, **/*.tld, **/*.js, **/*.xhtml, **/*.bsh, **/*.policy, **/*.bin, **/*.sh, **/*.conf true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
downloadBinaries java.lang.Boolean false true When set to true, the binaries filtered by the 'binaryFilesetIncludes' and 'binaryFilesetExcludes' parameters will be downloaded as part of the snapshot.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String   true Used only if 'wlsJmxSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The hostname to connect to for JMX operations against the WebLogic domain. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
installationPath java.lang.String   true The top level directory of the WebLogic installation. The ANT fileset patterns will be used to select files recursively below this directory to include in a snapshot.
jmxExclusions java.lang.String   true Used only if 'wlsJmxSnapshot' is set to 'true'. List of WebLogic attribute type substrings (comma separated) to ignore during the JMX snapshot. Each attribute is checked to see if it contains one of the listed substrings, and it is ignored if it does. These values should not normally need changing from their default settings. Default settings: CustomTrustKeyStorePassPhraseEncrypted,MigratableTargets,Authorizers,Realm, PassPhrase,Credential,Password,SupportedUserAttributeNames,PassPhrase,Parent
password java.lang.String   true Used only if 'wlsJmxSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The admin password to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
port java.lang.Integer   true Used only if 'wlsJmxSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The SOAP connection port for Jmx operations on the WebLogic process. If not set, defaults to 7001.
rapiddeployUrl java.lang.String   true The URL of the RapidDeploy server that performs the call to the target server. This URL needs to be complete, including port and context path, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/MidVision. This parameter is used to send back the snapshot file to the host server running the RapidDeploy web application. It does NOT need to be set in most cases.
saveOnTarget java.lang.Boolean false true If set to 'true' the snapshot file will be saved in the target server and not sent back to the RapidDeploy server. This option is not recommended as RapidDeploy can not keep track of the snapshots taken and the snapshot comparison feature can not be used.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
snapshotDirectory java.lang.String   true The directory location where the snapshots should be stored. This option should be used only when 'saveOnTarget' is set to 'true' or if you want to set a specific snapshot location on the RapidDeploy server (not recommended).
username java.lang.String   true Used only if 'wlsJmxSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The admin username to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
wlsJmxSnapshot java.lang.Boolean true true If set to 'true' the WebLogic JMX interface will be used to take the snapshot, otherwise the snapshot will be taken using the standard way gathering the configuration files found in the 'installationPath' filtered by the specified includes and excludes filesets.

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Start Managed Server

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.StartManagedServerTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

Start WebLogic Managed Server Task.


This task starts a WebLogic Server using the startManagedServer script. The script is searched for in the WebLogic installation path specified in Environment configuration.

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Configuration Properties that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY" Please set following properties:
NameTypeScopeDefault ValueOptionalDescription
targetMappingsjava.lang.StringPropertyIf this value is set to DEFAULT or is not present, then the application defined by the property file name will be deployed to the application server instance defined in the property file name.falseMap enterprise applications to WebLogic AppServer or Cluster targets
This task is also able to handle Environment Variables that you can specify as a task entries with type "VARIABLE"

Example Target Mappings

The targetMappings may be specified with the following syntax:
targetMappings=earFile1=appServer1 appserver2,earFile2=appServer3 cluster4, ...

This maps the earFile1 application onto the appServer1 and appserver2 WebSphere Application Servers and
maps the earFile2 application onto the appServer3 WebSphere Application Server and the and cluster4 cluster.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
adminPort java.lang.String @@adminPort@@ false The WebLogic Admin Port.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ false The hostname to connect to for Jmx operations against the WebLogic domain.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.

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Start WebLogic Domain

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.StartDomainTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

Start WebLogic Domain Task.


This task starts a WebLogic domain using the startWebLogic script. The script is searched for in the WebLogic installation path specified in Environment configuration.

Task Entries

This task is also able to handle Environment Variables that you can specify as a task entries with type "VARIABLE"


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.

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Stop Managed Server

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.StopManagedServerTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

Stop WebLogic Managed Server Task.


This task stops a WebLogic Server using the stopManagedWebLogic script. The script is searched for in the WebLogic installation path specified in Environment configuration.

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Configuration Properties that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY" Please set following properties:
NameTypeScopeDefault ValueOptionalDescription
targetMappingsjava.lang.StringPropertyIf this value is set to DEFAULT or is not present, then the application defined by the property file name will be deployed to the application server instance defined in the property file name.falseMap enterprise applications to WebLogic AppServer or Cluster targets

Example Target Mappings

The targetMappings may be specified with the following syntax:
targetMappings=earFile1=appServer1 appserver2,earFile2=appServer3 cluster4, ...

This maps the earFile1 application onto the appServer1 and appserver2 WebSphere Application Servers and
maps the earFile2 application onto the appServer3 WebSphere Application Server and the and cluster4 cluster.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
adminPort java.lang.String @@adminPort@@ false The WebLogic Admin Port.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ false The hostname to connect to for Jmx operations against the WebLogic domain.
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.

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Stop WebLogic Domain

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.StopDomainTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

Stop WebLogic Domain Task.


This task stops a WebLogic domain using the stopWebLogic script. The script is searched for in the WebLogic installation path specified in Environment configuration.

Task Entries

This task is also able to handle Environment Variables that you can specify as a task entries with type "VARIABLE"


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.

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Undeploy Archive File Via Jmx

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.JmxUndeployFileTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

This task undeploys ear/war files contained within the deployment archive from the WebLogic domain. This task uses JMX to perform the undeployment. The task uses the targetMappings variable in the TASK ENTRIES with TYPE_PROPERTY, to determine what to undeploy. If this value is set to DEFAULT or is not present, then the application defined by the property file name will be undeployed from the application server instance defined in the property file name. The mappings may be specified with the following syntax: !line earFile1=appServer1 appserver2,earFile2=appServer3 cluster4, ... !line

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Environment Variables that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY" Please set following variables:
NameTypeScopeDefault ValueOptionalDescription
targetMappingsjava.lang.StringPropertyfalseThe scope to use. for example: earFile1=appServer1 appserver2,earFile2=appServer3
scopejava.lang.StringfalseThe scope to use. Supported Scopes: [environment]
Requirement: Please ensure that wlfullclient.jar is in the rapiddeploy lib folder. Create this jar according to these instructions: !line

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
adminPort java.lang.String @@adminPort@@ false The WebLogic Admin Port.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ false The hostname to connect to for Jmx operations against the WebLogic domain.
password java.lang.String @@password@@ false The admin password to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.
protocol java.util.List t3 false The WebLogic protocol uset to connect.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
undeployAll java.lang.Boolean false true If set to true, this will undeploy all ear files defined in the properties file from all targets.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ false The admin username to use for authenticating against the WebLogic domain.

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WebLogic Binary Installer

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.binary.wls.WebLogicBinaryInstallTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

WebLogic Binary Install Task.


This task installs WebLogic binaries to the target server.

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Configuration Properties that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY" You can set following properties:
NameTypeScopeDefault ValueOptionalDescription
LOCAL_JVMSjava.lang.StringParameterfalseThe path to specific JVM location you want to use, if not specified local JAVA_HOME on the target server will be used.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
beaHome java.lang.String @@beaHome@@ false The top level directory of BEA software.
componentPaths java.lang.String WebLogic Server/Core Application Server|WebLogic Server/Administration Console|WebLogic Server/Configuration Wizard and Upgrade Framework|WebLogic Server/Web 2.0 HTTP Pub-Sub Server|WebLogic Server/WebLogic SCA|WebLogic Server/WebLogic JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/Third Party JDBC Drivers|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Server Clients|WebLogic Server/WebLogic Web Server Plugins|WebLogic Server/UDDI and Xquery Support false Components paths to be installed
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
features java.lang.String none false The features to install.
installationJarPath java.lang.String resources/weblogic-application-server-10.3.3.jar false The path to the WebLogic installation jar file on this server. E.g. /tmp/weblogic-application-server-10.3.3.jar. If the installer jar is inside the deployment package, use ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} for the top level of the package and add the remaining path, e.g ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/resources/weblogic-application-server-10.3.3.jar.
installNodeManagerService java.lang.String no true Should the NodeManager be installed as a windows service (only for Windows, expected values yes/no)
nodeManagerPort java.lang.String @@nodeManagerPort@@ true Node manager port.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.

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WebLogic Binary Patching Tool

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.binary.wls.WebLogicBinaryPatchingTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

WebLogic Binary Patching Task.


This task patches WebLogic binaries to the target server.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
beaHome java.lang.String @@beaHome@@ false The top level directory of BEA software.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
options java.lang.String -view -status=applied false Binary installations options as specified for the Oracle WebLogic binary patching.
patchJarPath java.lang.String resources/patch-client.jar false The path relative to archive root to the jar file that will be patched to existing installation
prodDir java.lang.String   true The path to the product installation. Typically this should be the same as Weblogic installation path from Environment configuration
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.

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WebLogic Binary UnInstaller

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.binary.wls.WebLogicBinaryUnInstallTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

WebLogic Binary Uninstall Task.


This task uninstalls WebLogic binaries from the target server.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
beaHome java.lang.String @@beaHome@@ false The top level directory of BEA software.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
features java.lang.String NONE false The features for uninstall option.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.

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WebLogic Deployment Via Jython

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.orchestration.tasks.wls.WebLogicDeploymentTask
Category Oracle WebLogic Server

WebLogic Deployment Task using Jython.


Creates or Updates a WebLogic Domain, including Servers, Clusters, JMS, JDBC parameters etc. Requires that a WebLogic Binary Install is present. Uses the RapidDeploy WebLogic Jython Framework. Also allows for stopping/starting servers etc.
This task has multiple different functions based on the webLogicImplementationStep.

Task Entries

This task is able to handle Configuration Properties that you can specify as a task entries with type "PROPERTY" Please set following properties:
NameTypeScopeDefault ValueOptionalDescription option for option for option for

This task is also able to handle Environment Variables that you can specify as a task entries with type "VARIABLE"

Jython Properties file

This file (suffixed with .py), contains the configuration definition to be deployed to the WebLogic domain. It may contain the entire WebLogic domain configuration definition or just a small part of it, such as a cluster, application server, JMS or JDBC definition, or anything in-between. For in-depth information about this task, see the demo projects or the Online Documentation


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
javaPath java.lang.String   true The full path to an alternate Java executable (e.g. /usr/java6/bin/java). Defaults to Java executable in the default install used by the deployment process.
pyArea TEXTAREA   false Jython environment configuration for WLST. Respect the Jython syntax in this area.
pyScriptsFunctionRelativePath java.lang.String   true The location of the script within the package. Leave this blank unless you want to specify your own functions.
pyScriptsProjectPropertiesRelativePath java.lang.String   true Path relative to archive root to project wide properties file. Leave this blank unless you want to specify project general properties.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
webLogicImplementationStep java.util.List CREATE_DOMAIN_ONLY false The implementation step. One of the following: CREATE_DOMAIN_ONLY - Create/Update a WebLogic Domain. START_MANAGEDSERVERS_ONLY - Start WebLogic Managed Servers. STOP_ALL_SERVERS - Stop all WebLogic Server processes.
wlsDeploymentsPath java.lang.String /usr/WebLogic/bea/WLSTestCases/Deployments true The path to the WebLogic deployments directory, where the deployable files are.
wlsInstallDir java.lang.String @@wlsInstallDir@@ false The top level directory of the WebLogic installation.
wlsLibrariesPath java.lang.String /usr/WebLogic/bea/WLSTestCases/Libraries true The path to the WebLogic libraries directory, where the library files are.