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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.BinaryInstallTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

This task installs the JBoss AS 6.0 binary files from the deployment archive on to the server.

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
installationPath java.lang.String /opt/redhat/JBoss false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
installerFileRegEx java.lang.String ((?i)jboss) true The regular expression to filter the files within deployment package and look up the installer one.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.BinaryUninstallTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

This task uninstalls the JBoss AS 6.0 binary files from the server.

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
installationPath java.lang.String /opt/redhat/JBoss false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.CloneProfileTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

This task deploys all the configuration contained with in a template into the JBoss server into a new profile. It copies the file into the following location {installPath} from environment domain + \server\ + instance. !line

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
installationPath java.lang.String /opt/redhat/JBoss false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
overwriteProfile java.lang.Boolean false true This task will fail if the profile already exists and this value is set to false. If this value is set to true then the exiting profile will be over written with the files in the template.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
templatePath java.lang.String ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/j2ee/config/template true This is the path to the configuration files to copy onto the JBoss server. If the file is inside the deployment package the ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.DeployConfigurationTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

This task deploys all the configuration contained with in a template into the JBoss server. It copies the files into the following location {installPath} + \server\ + instance + "\" + {relativeServerDirectory} !line

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
installationPath java.lang.String /opt/redhat/JBoss false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
templatePath java.lang.String ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/j2ee/config/template true This is the path to the configuration files to copy onto the JBoss server. If the files are inside the deployment package the ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.DeployFileTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

This task deploys a file into the JBoss server. It copies the file into the following location {installPath} + \server\ + instance + "\" + {relativeServerDirectory} !line

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
filePath java.lang.String ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/j2ee/test.xml true This is the path to the file to copy onto the JBoss server. If the file is inside the deployment package the ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used.
installationPath java.lang.String /opt/redhat/JBoss false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
relativeServerDirectory java.lang.String   true The relative path on the JBoss server to copy the file to. If not set the parameter {installPath} is used.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
undeploy java.lang.Boolean false true If set to true it will delete the file from the server.

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Snapshot JBoss Server

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.SnapshotTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

Create a snapshot of a JBoss AS 6.0 server


This task creates a snapshot ZIP file of a JBoss AS 6.0 instance consisting on the specified included and excluded configuration files of the JBoss installation location.


Using ANT fileset patterns set the included and excluded configuration files you want to be into the snapshot ZIP file.
By default the snapshot file will be saved in the RapidDeploy server in the location specified in the field 'Snapshots Path' of the environment configuration panel. If you want to use a different location (not recommended) you can set it using the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter.
If you select to save the snapshot file in the target server ('saveOnTarget') you need to specify the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter with the location in the target server where you want to save the snapshot file.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
binaryFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/tmp/**, **/work/**, **/log/**, **/*.log, **/*tmp*, tmp/**, data/**, work/** true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
binaryFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.jar, **/*.ear, **/*.war, **/*.zip, **/*.rar, **/*.gif, **/*.ico, **/*.class, **/*.png, **/*.aop, **/*.keystore true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
configFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/tmp/**, **/work/**, **/log/**, **/*.log, **/*tmp*, tmp/**, data/**, work/** true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
configFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.xml, **/*.properties, **/*.MF, **/*.mib, **/*.html, **/*.xsl, **/*.css, **/*.jsp, **/*.tld, **/*.js, **/*.xhtml, **/*.bsh, **/*.policy true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
downloadBinaries java.lang.Boolean false true When set to true, the binaries filtered by the 'binaryFilesetIncludes' and 'binaryFilesetExcludes' parameters will be downloaded as part of the snapshot.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@jbossHome@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation. The ANT fileset patterns will be used to select files recursively below this directory to include in a snapshot.
rapiddeployUrl java.lang.String   true The URL of the RapidDeploy server that performs the call to the target server. This URL needs to be complete, including port and context path, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/MidVision. This parameter is used to send back the snapshot file to the host server running the RapidDeploy web application. It does NOT need to be set in most cases.
saveOnTarget java.lang.Boolean false true If set to 'true' the snapshot file will be saved in the target server and not sent back to the RapidDeploy server. This option is not recommended as RapidDeploy can not keep track of the snapshots taken and the snapshot comparison feature can not be used.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
snapshotDirectory java.lang.String   true The directory location where the snapshots should be stored. This option should be used only when 'saveOnTarget' is set to 'true' or if you want to set a specific snapshot location on the RapidDeploy server (not recommended).

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.StartJbossTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

This task starts an instance of a Red Hat JBoss AS 6.0 Server. The server state is queried using a JMX connection to work out if the server is started. If the server is started the task will complete, otherwise the JBoss AS 6.0 run command is called and the state of the server is queried until the server is started or the number of retries is reached. !line

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
bindings java.lang.String "" true This value defines the bindings to use to start the server on.
clientJarFilePath java.lang.String   true The JBoss client library path. If not set the value {installPath}/client/jbossall-client.jar is used.
exitString java.lang.String ] Started in true If this string is encountered in the output stream, the command execution will be terminated.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
installationPath java.lang.String /opt/redhat/JBoss false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
instance java.lang.String all true The JBoss server instance name.
interval java.lang.Integer 5 true The time interval in seconds between retries.
password java.lang.String admin true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String 1099 true The admin JMX connection port of the JBoss server.
retries java.lang.Integer 10 true The number of times to retry the operation.
serviceBindingSet java.lang.String ports-default true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and adding 100 to each port value. ports-default = 8080, ports-01 = 8180, ports-02 = 8280
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String admin true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.as60.task.StopJbossTask
Category JBoss AS 6.0

This task uses JMX to stop an instance of a Red Hat JBoss Server. When the stop command is executed the server state is queried until the server is stopped or the number or retries has be reached. !line

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
clientJarFilePath java.lang.String   true The JBoss client library path. If not set the value {installPath}/client/jbossall-client.jar is used.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true true This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
interval java.lang.Integer 5 true The time interval in seconds between retries.
password java.lang.String admin true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String 1099 true The admin JMX connection port of the JBoss server.
retries java.lang.Integer 10 true The number of times to retry the operation.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
username java.lang.String admin true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.