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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.AddApplicationUserTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Add Application User Task


This task creates an application user entry in the server configuration '' and ' files.


This task uses the defined username and password to create the entry.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
realm java.lang.String ApplicationRealm true Specifies the users realm, which is used to encrypt the users password.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
roles java.lang.String   true Specifies the users roles as a comma separated list.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.AddManagementUserTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Add Management User Task


This task creates a management user entry in the server configuration '' file. Find more about adding management user in JBoss documentation: Find more about "realm":


This task uses the defined username and password to create the entry.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
realm java.lang.String ManagementRealm true Specifies the users realm, which is used to encrypt the users password. In this case we recommend to leave the default value. Read more here:
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.CheckResourceExistTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Check Resource Exists Task


This test if a parameter exists in the JBoss Server configuration. If the parameter does exist then this task will trough an exception. The intention is this task can be used in an orchestration to stop the orchestration or highlight that the parameter is already configured on the server. This task reads a parameter (non-recursive) at the address defined by the property name and value. If this address returns a node, then the we get the result type node from the returned node and test if a property of the given name is on that node. If it does exist this task will throw an exception.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
propertyName java.lang.String   false Property name, e.g. "subsystem" or "core-service"
propertyValue java.lang.String   false Property value, e.g. "datasources" or "management"
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
resultingPropertyName java.lang.String   false Property name to check, e.g. "java:jboss/datasources/NewDatasource" or "OracleXADriver"
resultType java.lang.String   false Result type, e.g. "data-source" or "xa-data-source" or "jdbc-driver"
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.CreateDataSourceTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Create Data Source Task


This task creates a Data Source parameter in the JBoss server. Throws an exception if the data source has not been created or does not exist.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
connectionUrl java.lang.String   false Data source connection URL.
datasourceName java.lang.String   false Data source name.
driverName java.lang.String   false Name of the JDBC Driver.
dsPassword java.lang.String   false Data source connection password.
dsUsername java.lang.String   false Data source connection username.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
isXa java.lang.Boolean   false True if the data source is XA.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jndiName java.lang.String   false Data source JNDI name.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.CreateJdbcDriverTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Create JDBC Driver Task


This task creates a JDBC Driver parameter in the JBoss server. Throws an exception if the driver has not been created or does not exist.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
driverClass java.lang.String   false Driver class name
driverModuleName java.lang.String   false Driver module name
driverName java.lang.String   false Name of the JDBC Driver
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.DeployModulesTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Deploy Modules Task


This task copies the specified modules directory into the JBoss servers modules directory. If a modules directory cannot be found this task then looks for a zip file to unpack and copy the modules directory from that file.


This task uses the JBoss home and JBoss modules directory settings to work out which directory to copy the custom modules to.
Before using this task make sure that there is a module directory (projectModulesDir) OR compressed file (projectZipFile) containing module directory (zipFileRelativeModulesDir) set. You can find more info about JBoss modules here:


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
archiveType java.util.List zip true Specifies the type of archive to uncompress. Valid options are: zip, tar, jar, ear and war
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ false The path to the JBoss modules directory.
projectModulesDir java.lang.String modules true Specifies the path to the custom JBoss AS 7 modules directory. If you leave this empty the task will check if the projectZipFile is specified. Then if projectZipFile is also empty the default value "modules" will be taken. The ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used to specify paths inside the deployment package.
projectZipFile java.lang.String   true Specifies the path to the JBoss AS 7 compressed file with type archiveType (zip by default) containing the modules directory with the name specified in zipFileRelativeModulesDir. The ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used to specify paths inside the deployment package.
zipFileRelativeModulesDir java.lang.String modules true Specifies the path to the modules directory within the file specified in projectZipFile.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.DeployApplicationTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Deploy Application Task


This task deploys an application into the JBoss server.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
applicationPath java.lang.String   true Specifies the path to the application file to deploy. If this is not specified then the configuration name of the current deployment is used to look for a file in the package with the extension of [ear,war,jar]. The ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used to specify paths inside the deployment package.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
force java.lang.Boolean true false If set to true the server is checked to see if the application is already deployed, if it is then the deployment will be replaced, otherwise it will be added. If set to false then the application will be added, if it already exists in the server the deployment will fail.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.ExecuteCommandsTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Execute CLI Commands Task


This task executes commands specified in a file, on the JBoss server. Values in the commmands can be substituted with data dictionary items.

Example CLI Commands

/subsystem=logging/size-rotating-file-handler=FILE_BY_SIZE:add(level=INFO,formatter="%d{HH:mm:ss,SSS} %-5p [%c] (%t) %s%E%n",max-backup-index=3,rotate-size=1024,file={"path"=>"production-server.log","relative-to"=>"jboss.server.log.dir"})


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
batch java.lang.Boolean true true If set to true, this will batch the commands specified in the file into one transaction. If one commmand fails, then the server state is rolled back. If set to false, each command in the file is an atomic transaction.
cliCommands TEXTAREA   true Specifies the CLI commands to execute. You can use the task example as a reference.
commandFilePath java.lang.String   true Specifies the path to the JBoss AS 7 command file. The ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used to specify paths inside the deployment package.
failOnCLIError java.lang.Boolean false false If this task is set to not batch the CLI commands and one of the individual commands failed. This task will not fail the deployment if set to false.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.InstallJBossTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Install Task


This task uncompresses the JBoss binaries ZIP file into the specified installation directory. If the task is executed on a non-Windows server, chmod is used on the installation directory to make the necessary files executable.
Note that RapidDeploy expects that ZIP file with Jboss binaries has a standard structure. For example:


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
chmodFilesetExcludes java.lang.String   true Specifies the excludes fileset pattern used for chmod.
chmodFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.sh true Specifies the includes fileset pattern used for chmod.
chmodPermissions java.lang.String 755 true Specifies the permissions used for chmod.
chmodPermissions java.lang.String 755 true Specifies the permissions used for chmod.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
packageInstallationFile java.lang.String ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/media/ false Specifies the package path to the JBoss AS 7 installation binaries. The ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used if the JBoss package is inside the deployment package.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.InstallJBossWebServerTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Web Server Install Task


This task uncompresses the package ZIP file into the specified JBoss home. If the task is executed on a non-Windows server, chmod is used on the installation directory to make the necessary files executable.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
archiveType java.util.List zip true Specifies the type of archive to uncompress. Valid options are: zip, tar, jar, ear and war
chmodFilesetExcludes java.lang.String   true Specifies the excludes fileset pattern used for chmod.
chmodFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/httpd/bin/*,**/httpd/sbin/* true Specifies the includes fileset pattern used for chmod.
chmodPermissions java.lang.String 755 true Specifies the permissions used for chmod.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
packageInstallationFile java.lang.String ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/media/ false Specifies the path to the JBoss AS 7 Web Server installation binaries. The ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used to specify paths inside the deployment package.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
zipFileRelativeWebServerDir java.lang.String jboss-ews-1.0 false Specifies the directory inside the ZIP file which contains the JBoss AS 7 Web Server installation binaries.

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Snapshot JBoss Server

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.SnapshotTask
Category JBoss AS 7

Create a snapshot of a JBoss AS 7 server


This task creates a snapshot ZIP file of a JBoss AS 7 instance consisting on the specified included and excluded configuration files of the JBoss installation location.


Using ANT fileset patterns set the included and excluded configuration files you want to be into the snapshot ZIP file.
By default the snapshot file will be saved in the RapidDeploy server in the location specified in the field 'Snapshots Path' of the environment configuration panel. If you want to use a different location (not recommended) you can set it using the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter.
If you select to save the snapshot file in the target server ('saveOnTarget') you need to specify the 'snapshotDirectory' parameter with the location in the target server where you want to save the snapshot file.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
binaryFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/appclient/**, **/domain/**, **/welcome-content/**, **/tmp/**, **/data/**, **/log/**, **/*.log, **/*tmp*, tmp/** true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
binaryFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.jar, **/*.ear, **/*.war, **/*.zip, **/*.rar, **/*.gif, **/*.ico, **/*.class, **/*.png, **/*.aop, **/*.keystore true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
configFilesetExcludes java.lang.String **/appclient/**, **/domain/**, **/welcome-content/**, **/tmp/**, **/data/**, **/log/**, **/*_xml_history/**, **/*.log, docs/**, welcome/** true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to exclude in a snapshot.
configFilesetIncludes java.lang.String **/*.xml, **/*.properties, **/*.MF, **/*.mib, **/*.html, **/*.xsl, **/*.css, **/*.jsp, **/*.tld, **/*.js, **/*.xhtml, **/*.bsh, **/*.policy, **/*.bin, **/*.sh, **/*.conf true ANT based comma separated fileset patterns to include in a snapshot.
downloadBinaries java.lang.Boolean false true When set to true, the binaries filtered by the 'binaryFilesetIncludes' and 'binaryFilesetExcludes' parameters will be downloaded as part of the snapshot.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String   true Used only if 'jbossCliSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
jbossCliSnapshot java.lang.Boolean false true If set to 'true' the JBoss Management CLI ':take-snapshot' command will be used to take the snapshot, otherwise the snapshot will be taken using the standard way gathering the configuration files found in the 'installationPath' filtered by the specified includes and excludes filesets.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@jbossHome@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation. The ANT fileset patterns will be used to select files recursively below this directory to include in a snapshot.
password java.lang.String   true Used only if 'jbossCliSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String   true Used only if 'jbossCliSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
rapiddeployUrl java.lang.String   true The URL of the RapidDeploy server that performs the call to the target server. This URL needs to be complete, including port and context path, e.g.: http://localhost:8080/MidVision. This parameter is used to send back the snapshot file to the host server running the RapidDeploy web application. It does NOT need to be set in most cases.
saveOnTarget java.lang.Boolean false true If set to 'true' the snapshot file will be saved in the target server and not sent back to the RapidDeploy server. This option is not recommended as RapidDeploy can not keep track of the snapshots taken and the snapshot comparison feature can not be used.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
snapshotDirectory java.lang.String   true The directory location where the snapshots should be stored. This option should be used only when 'saveOnTarget' is set to 'true' or if you want to set a specific snapshot location on the RapidDeploy server (not recommended).
username java.lang.String   true Used only if 'jbossCliSnapshot' is set to 'true'. The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.StartServerTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Start Server Task


This task starts up the JBoss server. The task trys to connect to the server using the remoting connection settings and if it cannot establish a connection, it assumes JBoss is not running and it starts JBoss.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean false false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false. This scope is parameter only.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.StopServerTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Stop Server Task


This task stops the JBoss server. The task trys to connect to the server using the remoting connection settings and if it can establish a connection, it issues the shutdown command to stop the server.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.TestDataSourceTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Test Data Source Task


This task tests a Data Source parameter in the JBoss server. Throws an exception if the data source test fails.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
datasourceName java.lang.String   false Data source name.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
isXa java.lang.Boolean   false True if the data source is XA.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.UnDeployApplicationTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Undeploy Application Task


This task undeploys an application from the JBoss server. Specify the application file by setting applicationPath or applicationName. If you leave both parameters empty the configuration name of the current deployment is used to look for a file in the package with the extension of [ear,war,jar].


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
applicationName java.lang.String   true If the [applicationPath] parameter cannot be resolved to a file, this parameter becomes mandatory. It is the name of the application to undeploy.
applicationPath java.lang.String   true Specifies the path to the application file to undeploy. The ${ARCHIVE_ROOT} built-in variable can be used to specify paths inside the deployment package.
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
ignoreMissingDeployment java.lang.Boolean true false If set to true the server is checked to see if the application is already deployed, if it is then it will be removed. If set to false then the application will be removed, if it does not exist in the server the undeployment will fail.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.UnInstallJBossTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Uninstall Task


This task stops the JBoss server, then deletes every file and directory under the JBoss home directroy.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
stopServerWaitTimeInSecs java.lang.Integer 10 true Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the JBoss AS 7 server to shutdown before the JBoss home directory is deleted. In a Windows environment, files cannot be deleted if they are being used by a running process.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.

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Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.products.rh.jboss.all.task.WriteAttributeTask
Category JBoss AS 7

RedHat JBoss AS 7 Write Attribute Task


This task writes an attribute in the JBoss server. Throws an exception if the attribute is not written. The property and name combinations are used to navigate to node address of the property attribute to write.

Example, to emulate this CLI operation to enable the http console:


Set these property values and property names, which are used to create the address to the node to value to write



The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
hostname java.lang.String @@hostname@@ true The hostname to connect to the JBoss server. If not set this value defaults to 'localhost'.
javaHome java.lang.String @@javaHome@@ true The path to Java which is used to start the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to JAVA_HOME system property.
jbossBaseDir java.lang.String @@jbossBaseDir@@ true The path to the JBoss server base directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/standalone' for a standalone server and '$JBOSS_HOME/domain' for a domain server.
jbossBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server interface bindings address.
jbossBindAddressMgmt java.lang.String @@jbossBindAddressMgmt@@ true The JBoss management server interface bindings address.
jbossBundlesDir java.lang.String @@jbossBundlesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss bundles directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/bundles'.
jbossDefaultMulticastAddress java.lang.String @@jbossDefaultMulticastAddress@@ true The JBoss server default multicast address.
jbossHome java.lang.String @@JBOSS_HOME@@ false The top level directory of the JBoss installation.
jbossMessagingGroupAddress java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupAddress@@ true The JBoss server messaging group address.
jbossMessagingGroupPort java.lang.String @@jbossMessagingGroupPort@@ true The JBoss server messaging group port.
jbossModulesDir java.lang.String @@jbossModulesDir@@ true The path to the JBoss modules directory. If not set, defaults to '$JBOSS_HOME/modules'.
jbossServerLogDir java.lang.String @@jbossServerLogDir@@ true The JBoss server log directory.
jbossSocketBindingPortOffset java.lang.String @@jbossSocketBindingPortOffset@@ true The ports bindings are obtained by taking the base bindings and on offset to each port. If not set, defaults to 0.
jbossUnsecuredBindAddress java.lang.String @@jbossUnsecuredBindAddress@@ true The JBoss server unsecured interface bindings address.
jvmArgs java.lang.String @@jvmArgs@@ true The JBoss start up JVM arguments. Defaults to: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000
password java.lang.String @@password@@ true The admin password to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.
port java.lang.String @@port@@ true The admin connection port of the JBoss server. If not set, defaults to 9999.
productName java.lang.String @@productName@@ true The JBoss Server product name. System read-parameter name: 'product-name'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
productVersion java.lang.String @@productVersion@@ true The JBoss Server product version. System read-parameter name: 'product-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
propNameLevel1 java.lang.String   false Node property name level 1.
propNameLevel2 java.lang.String   true Node property name level 2.
propNameLevel3 java.lang.String   true Node property name level 3.
propNameLevel4 java.lang.String   true Node property name level 4.
propValueLevel1 java.lang.String   false Node property value level 1.
propValueLevel2 java.lang.String   true Node property value level 2.
propValueLevel3 java.lang.String   true Node property value level 3.
propValueLevel4 java.lang.String   true Node property value level 4.
releaseVersion java.lang.String @@releaseVersion@@ true The JBoss Server release version. System read-parameter name: 'release-version'. Used to identify the start-up process exit string.
serverConfig java.lang.String @@serverConfig@@ true The path to the JBoss server configuration file.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
standaloneServer java.lang.Boolean true true Defines if the server is a standalone server or a domain server.
username java.lang.String @@username@@ true The admin username to use for authenticating against the JBoss server.