Microsoft Azure Cloud Provider.

Table of plugin fields

Name Type Class Type Description Short Description Mandatory Default Value
Azure Profile SELECTONE java.lang.String Choose a Azure profile for Azure connectivity. Choose a profile for Azure connectivity. false Default
Azure Profile TEXT java.lang.String Subscription ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your subscription ID from Azure Portal website in Subscriptions section (Home -> Subscriptions). Subscription ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your subscription ID from Azure Portal website in Subscriptions section (Home -> Subscriptions). true  
Azure Subscription ID TEXT java.lang.String Subscription ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your subscription ID from Azure Portal website in Subscriptions section (Home -> Subscriptions). Subscription ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your subscription ID from Azure Portal website in Subscriptions section (Home -> Subscriptions). true  
Azure Application ID TEXT java.lang.String Application ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your application ID from Azure Portal website in Active Directory Application ID section (Home -> [YourActiveDirectory] - App registration -> [YourApplication] -> Application ID).
Make sure your registered application has the right permissions to manage Azure resources, you can che this in Subscription Access Control (IAM)
Application ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your application ID from Azure Portal website in Active Directory Application ID section (Home -> [YourActiveDirectory] - App registration -> [YourApplication] -> Application ID).
Make sure your registered application has the right permissions to manage Azure resources, you can che this in Subscription Access Control (IAM)
Azure Director ID TEXT java.lang.String Directory ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your Directory ID from Azure Portal website in Active Directory ID (Home -> [YourActiveDirectory] - Properties -> Directory ID). Directory ID for Azure connectivity. You can get your Directory ID from Azure Portal website in Active Directory ID (Home -> [YourActiveDirectory] - Properties -> Directory ID). true  
Azure Secret Key SECRET java.lang.String Secret Key for Azure connectivity. You can get your Secret Key from Azure Portal website in Application Keys (Home -> [YourActiveDirectory] - App registration -> [YourApplication] -> Settings -> Keys). Secret Key for Azure connectivity. You can get your Secret Key from Azure Portal website in Application Keys (Home -> [YourActiveDirectory] - App registration -> [YourApplication] -> Settings -> Keys). true  
Instances SELECTONE java.lang.String Choose an instance. Choose an instance. false  
Instance Name TEXT java.lang.String Type the new instance name to create an instance. Type an Instance name. false  
Location SELECTONE java.lang.String Choose an instance location. Choose an instance location. false West Europe
Instance Size SELECTONE java.lang.String Check Cloud Serve Sizes on Azure site for more information. Choose an instance size for the performance you need. false Small
Storage Name SELECTONE java.lang.String Select the storage account name for the new instance. Choose a storage account name for the new instance. false  
Resource Group Name SELECTONE java.lang.String Select the resource group name for the new instance. Choose a resource group name for the new instance. false  
Security Group Name SELECTONE java.lang.String Select the security group name for the new instance. Choose a security group name for the new instance. false  
Image Name SELECTONE java.lang.String Select the image name to create a new instance. Available images will be filtered by server product type. Choose an image name for the new instance. false  
Instance User Name TEXT java.lang.String Specify the user name of the new instance. Specify the user name of the new instance. false  
Instance User Password SECRET java.lang.String Specify the user password of the new instance. Specify the user password of the new instance. false  
Start instance on deployment CHECKONE java.lang.Boolean If the instance is stopped, it will be started when the deployment starts. If the instance is stopped, it will be started when the deployment starts. false true
Create a new instance on deployment to deploy to CHECKONE java.lang.Boolean A new instance will be created and targeted for the deployment. Please make sure all necessary plugin data in "Azure Cloud Instance Creation" section is set for a new instance creation. A new instance will be created and targeted for the deployment. Please make sure all necessary plugin data in "Azure Cloud Instance Creation" section is set for a new instance creation. false false