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Create K8s Resource

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.cloudprovider.kubernetes.tasks.CreateK8sResourceTask
Category Kubernetes

Create a K8s parameter in Kubernetes cluster


Create a K8s parameter in Kubernetes cluster from a YAML definition.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
kubeConfigPath java.lang.String ${USER_HOME}/.kube/config false Kubernetes configuration file path.
namespace com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.cloudprovider.kubernetes.tasks.parameter.NamespaceSelectionParameterType default false The namespace of the K8s parameter to be created.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${resourceName} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the parameter name of the newly created. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${resourceName}.
resourceType java.util.List Service false The parameter type to be created.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.
YAMLBody TextArea   true YAML parameter definition that you want to create in kubernetes cluster.
YAMLFilePath java.lang.String ${ARCHIVE_ROOT}/kubernetes/resource.yaml true File path of YAML parameter definition that you want to create in kubernetes cluster.

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Delete K8s Resource

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.cloudprovider.kubernetes.tasks.DeleteK8sResourceTask
Category Kubernetes

Delete a K8s parameter in Kubernetes cluster


Delete a K8s parameter in Kubernetes cluster by name.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
kubeConfigPath java.lang.String ${USER_HOME}/.kube/config false Kubernetes configuration file path.
namespace com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.cloudprovider.kubernetes.tasks.parameter.NamespaceSelectionParameterType default false The namespace of the K8s parameter to be deleted.
resourceName java.lang.String   false Resource name that you want to delete in kubernetes cluster.
resourceType java.util.List Service false The parameter type to be deleted.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.

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Get K8s Resource Status

Class Name com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.cloudprovider.kubernetes.tasks.GetK8sResourceStatusTask
Category Kubernetes

Get a K8s parameter status in Kubernetes cluster


Get a K8s parameter status in Kubernetes cluster by name.


The following parameters may be set on this task:

Table of task Parameters

Name Type Default Value Optional Description
failOnError java.lang.Boolean true false This task will not fail the deployment on error if set to false.
kubeConfigPath java.lang.String ${USER_HOME}/.kube/config false Kubernetes configuration file path.
namespace com.midvision.rapiddeploy.plugins.cloudprovider.kubernetes.tasks.parameter.NamespaceSelectionParameterType default false The namespace of the K8s parameter to get the status.
outputParameter java.lang.String ${resourceStatus} false The name of the output parameter, which can pass the return value from the task. The task output will be the parameter status. Define a unique parameter name starting with '${', ending with '}' for the whole orchestration (latter tasks can override the parameter value if the same parameter name is specified). You can refer to this parameter in any task below in the tasklist, as an input parameter ${resourceStatus}.
resourceName java.lang.String   false Resource name that you want to get the status in kubernetes cluster.
resourceType java.util.List Service false The parameter type to get the status.
skipOnFailure java.lang.String Previous Task Name true Skip current task based on the name of the previous task whether has failed or not.