Table of plugin fields

Name Type Class Type Description Short Description Mandatory Default Value
Custom Security CHECKONE java.lang.Boolean Enable or disable custom security settings for this server. The security can be customized by each server and override the current system security settings.
System security is defined via the properties file (e.g.
For security settings overriding, please enable this and complete only the fields to be overridden.
The type of object copy transport to use. false false
Username TEXT java.lang.String The username to use for authenticating against the Remote Agent. This user must exist and be configured for the Remote Agent on the target server. The username to use for authenticating against the Remote Agent. false GUI
Password SECRET java.lang.String The password to use for authenticating against the Remote Agent (if using password authentication). The user password. false  
Confirm Password SECRET java.lang.String The password to use for authenticating against the Remote Agent (if using password authentication). The user password. false  
Agent Port TEXT java.lang.Integer The agent port on the target server. This is typically port 20000. This port does not need to be set if using multicast domains. The agent port on the target server. true 20000
Agent Bind Ports TEXT java.lang.String The agent bind ports on the target server separated by commas. This setting is optional and does not need to be defined if using multicast domains. The agent bind ports on the target server. false  
Secure Agent Port TEXT java.lang.Integer The secure agent port on the target server. This is typically port 20443. This port does not need to be set if using multicast domains. The secure agent port on the target server. true 20443
Secure Agent Bind Ports TEXT java.lang.String The secure agent bind ports on the target server separated by commas. This setting is optional and does not need to be defined if using multicast domains. The agent bind port on the target server. false  
Callback Port TEXT java.lang.Integer The callback port on the client side. This port is optional. Leave in blank to auto port selection. The callback port on the client side. false  
Callback Bind Ports TEXT java.lang.String The callback bind ports on the client side separated by commas. This setting is optional. Leave in blank to auto port selection. The callback bind port on the client side. false  
Connection timeout (ms) TEXT java.lang.Integer The agent connection timeout in milliseconds. The agent connection timeout in milliseconds. true 2400000
Multicast Domains TEXT java.lang.String A comma separated list of multicast domains. A comma separated list of multicast domains. false,
Multicast Address TEXT java.lang.String The multicast address to use. The multicast address to use. false
Multicast Bind Address TEXT java.lang.String Multicast Bind Address. Multicast Bind Address. false  
Multicast Default IP Address TEXT java.lang.String Multicast Default IP Address. Multicast Default IP Address. false
Multicast Port TEXT java.lang.String Multicast port. Multicast Port. false 4567
Socket Implementation SELECTONE java.lang.String The socket implementation to use. Normally this should be left at the default of bisocket. The socket implementation to use. true bisocket
Prefer Streaming CHECKONE java.lang.Boolean The type of object copy transport to use.
Prefer streaming input stream (true), or whole copy object (false).
Generally, leave this as the default.
When using whole copy object, the object is copied over the network in 5MByte chunks, so the maximum memory load for each concurrent copy is 5MByte.
When using streaming, an input byte stream is used and is generally slightly faster. However, streamed copying will not work through a firewall.
The type of object copy transport to use. false false
Use Secure Connection CHECKONE java.lang.Boolean Enable or disable the use of secure connection. The type of object copy transport to use. false false
Credentials Mode SELECTONE java.lang.String The secure credentials exchange mode.
Auto Mode: is the default mode in which credentials are automatically generated, distributed and managed, providing an encrypted communication channel in order to provide a secure connection between clients and server.
Manual Mode: custom generation, distribution and configuration of SSL credetials. There is no management of credentials which means that credentials are read, verified based on configuration and used on SSL communication. This mode include certificate path validation including certificate valid date.
Two-way mode: custom generation and configuration, automatically distributed and both ends credentials managed via two-way SSL handshake in which certificates are exchanged. This mode include certificate path validation including certificate valid date.
Two-way-strict mode: Same as two-way mode but including hostname validation between both ends. The hostname are verified against the common name (CN) in the subject DN value defined from last intermediate certificate. This mode include certificate path validation including certificate valid date.
Credential exchange mode to use. false default
KeyStore File Path TEXT java.lang.String The KeyStore Path for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
The KeyStore keeps all the private keys and X509 certifites of the remoting client. Normally this value should point to a FS location of the KeyStore file.
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the KeyStore is created and located in this path value.
The client KeyStore file path. false ${MV_HOME}/remoting/ssl/.rapiddeploy-keystore
KeyStore Type TEXT java.lang.String The Type of the KeyStore for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
Normally the type of KeyStore should be JCEKS or JKS.
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the KeyStore is created based on this type value.
The type of the client side KeyStore. false JCEKS
KeyStore Password SECRET java.lang.String The KeyStore Password for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the generated KeyStore is protected by this password value.
The password of the client KeyStore. false remoting-client
KeyStore Confirm Password SECRET java.lang.String The confirmation of the KeyStore Password. The confirmation password of the client KeyStore. false remoting-client
Key Alias TEXT java.lang.String The alias key for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
This is the alias key of the stored Private Key in the the client KeyStore.
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the generated Private Key will be stored in the KeyStore based on this alias value.
The alias of client side Private Key . false remoting
Key Password SECRET java.lang.String The Key Password for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
This is the Key Password of the stored Private Key in the the client KeyStore.
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the generated Private Key will be stored in the KeyStore protected by this password value.
The password of the client Private Key. false CL13N7
Key Confirm Password SECRET java.lang.String The confirmation password for remoting client side (RapidDeploy). The confirmation password of the client Private Key. false CL13N7
TrustStore File Path TEXT java.lang.String The TrustStore Path for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
The TrustStore keeps all the trusted X509 certificates of the remoting server (Remote Agent).
Normally this value should point to a FS location of the TrustStore file.
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the TrustStore is created and located in this path value.
The file path of the TrustStore in the client (RapidDeploy). false ${MV_HOME}/remoting/ssl/.rapiddeploy-truststore
TrustStore Type TEXT java.lang.String The Type of the TrustStore for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
Normally the type of TrustStore should be JCEKS or JKS.
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the TrustStore created based on this type value.
The type of the TrustStore in the client (RapidDeploy). false JCEKS
TrustStore Password SECRET java.lang.String The TrustStore Password for remoting client (RapidDeploy).
If credentials exchange is in auto mode, the TrustStore is protected by this password value.
The password of the TrustStore in the client side (RapidDeploy). false remoting-client
TrustStore Confirm Password SECRET java.lang.String The confirmation password of the TrustStore. The confirmation password of the TrustStore. false remoting-client
Remote JAVA_HOME Path TEXT java.lang.String The path to Java 1.8 home on the target server. The path to Java 1.8 home on the target server. false  
Temporal Remote Package CHECKONE java.lang.Boolean Enable or disable temporal remote package on the target server. If this is set, RapidDeploy will deploy the deployment package with a temporal name in the remote build store. Enable or disable temporal remote package on the target server. If this is set, RapidDeploy will deploy the deployment package with a temporal name in the remote build store. false false