Job Plans

Once all necessary resources and settings have been set up for Projects and Targets, the pipelines, steps and jobs can be saved as job plan.

Save a new job plan

To save a new job plan, go to 'Jobs' -> 'New Job Plan'. Shape the job plan through adding, editing and removing pipelines, steps and jobs. Edit every component just selecting this and pressing the edit button or double clicking over the selected one.

When everything is done, this new job plan can be persisted pressing the Save button. A dialog is shown and please complete the name, description and set the security level.

For further details about deployment configuration go to deployment page.

Edit a job plan

To change or amend a job plan, go to 'My Job Plans', select the action 'edit' on the job plan item from the list and follow the steps as it is explained above for saving operation.

Delete a job plan

To remove a job plan, go to 'My Job Plans', select the action 'delete' on the Job plan item from the list.

Run a job plan

To run a job plan, go to 'My Job Plans', select the action 'run' on the job plan.

Copy a job plan

To copy a job plan, go to 'My Job Plans', select the action 'copy' on the job plan item from the list and follow the steps as it is explained above for saving operation.

Further reading