Health Management

Health Controller

First of all the installation flag must be properly set:


Then, the following variables can be configured in order to configure the Health Controller:

Variable Description Default Value Required
hcEnable Specifies if health monitoring is enabled. "true" No
hcControlCycleLength Specifies the time between consecutive health checks to determine if a health policy condition is breached. The value is specified in minutes and ranges from 1 to 60 minutes. Longer control cycles reduce the health monitoring load. 5 No
hcMaxConsecutiveRestarts Specifies the number of attempts to revive an application server after a restart decision is made. 3 No
hcRestartTimeout Specifies how long to wait for a server to stop before explicitly checking its state and attempting another start. 5 No
hcMinRestartInterval Controls the minimum amount of time that must pass between consecutive restarts of an application server instance. 0 No
hcMinRestartIntervalUnits Indicates the units to use with the hcMinRestartInterval variable. Valid values: 2 (minutes), 3 (hours), or 4 (days). 2 No
hcProperties Custom properties. They must be set in the form as an example: hcProperties=[[['name', ''],['value', '40']]] hcProperties.append([['name', ''],['value', '41']]) hcProperties.append([['name', ''],['value', '42']]) hcProperties.append([['name', ''],['value', '43']]) [] No

Health Policies

First of all the installation flag must be properly set:


Then, the following variables can be configured in order to create Health Policies, where "_n" is an incrementing number starting by 1 ("_1"):

Variable Description Default Value Required
hpName_n Specifies a name for the health policy that is unique in the cell. Yes
hpDescription_n Specifies a description for the health policy. "" No
hpReactionMode_n Specifies if runtime tasks are created before taking actions on a health policy, or if actions are automatic. Valid values: "SUPERVISE" and "AUTOMATIC". "SUPERVISE" No
hpCondType_n Specifies the condition type. The value can be AgeCondition, WorkloadCondition, MemoryLeakAlgorithm, MemoryCondition, ResponseCondition, StuckRequestCondition, StormDrainCondition, or GCPercentageCondition. Each value has different parameters that you must specify. Yes
hpCondParams_n AgeCondition: maxAge and ageUnits -0 (milliseconds), 1 (seconds), 2 (minutes), 3 (hours), or 4 (days)- WorkloadCondition: totalRequests MemoryLeakAlgorithm: level (FAST, NORMAL, or CONSERVATIVE) MemoryCondition: timeOverThreshold, timeUnits -0 (milliseconds), 1 (seconds), 2 (minutes), 3 (hours), or 4 (days)- and memoryUsed ResponseCondition: responseTime and responseTimeUnits -0 (milliseconds), 1 (seconds), 2 (minutes), 3 (hours), or 4 (days)- StuckRequestCondition: timeoutPercent StormDrainCondition: level (NORMAL or CONSERVATIVE) GCPercentageCondition: garbageCollectionPercent, samplingPeriod, samplingUnits -0 (milliseconds), 1 (seconds), 2 (minutes), 3 (hours), or 4 (days)- Yes
hpMembers_n Specifies the health policy members as a list of [memberName, memberType]. Values for memberName can be: server:!:node (application server), clusterName (static and dynamic cluster), or cellName (cell)] Values for memberType can be: CELL, CLUSTER, DYNAMIC_CLUSTER, SERVER, or ODR] Example: [["Server01_clone1:!:rafaelruiz-MVNode01","SERVER"],["ClusterClient","CLUSTER"],["rafaelruiz-MVCell01","CELL"],["Serv1:!:rafaelruiz-MVNode01","ODR"]]
hpActions_n Specifies the health policy actions as a list of [actionType, stepNumber]. Values for memberName can be: server:!:node (application server), clusterName (static and dynamic cluster), or cellName (cell)] Example: [["RESTART",1],["THREADDUMP",2],["HEAPDUMP",3],["SENDSNMPTRAP",4]]