Configure SSL Settings

To configure SSL, set the following in your jython file:

        # SSL: Install SSL config by setting the following
        # parameter to true
        installSSL                      = "true"

Configuring key and trust stores

        # SSL Key Store:
        #  If empty an empty keystore is created
        #  If populated with a private key, the key
        #  defined by sslServerKeyAlias is imported
        sslKeyStoreName                 = "@@clusterName@@_keyfile"
        sslKeyStoreLocation             = "@@wasDmHome@@/etc/@@clusterName@@_keyfile.jks"
        sslKeyStoreType                 = "JKS"
        sslKeyStorePassword             = "password"
        # SSL Trust store:
        #   If empty an empty truststore is created
        #   If populated with a public key, the key 
        #    defined by sslClientKeyAlias is imported
        sslTrustStoreName               = "@@clusterName@@_trustfile"
        sslTrustStoreLocation           = "@@wasDmHome@@/etc/@@clusterName@@_trustfile.jks"
        sslTrustStoreType               = "JKS"
        sslTrustStorePassword           = "password"

Key and trust store scopes

        # SSL Scope: Scope for these SSL settings.
        # Scope examples:
        # CELL:         (cell):wastst04Network
        # CLUSTER:      (cell):wastst04Network:(cluster):T2VMServerSysTst00
        # ENDPOINT:     (cell):wastst04Network:(node):p09503gens03:(server):T2VMServerSysTst00:(endpoint):WC_defaulthost_secure
        sslKeyStoreScopeName            = "(cell):@@cellName@@"
        sslConfigScopeName              = "(cell):@@cellName@@"

SSL Configuration Alias

        # SSL: Config alias
        sslConfigAlias                  = "RDDefaultSettings"
        sslClientKeyAlias               = "rdserverkey"
        sslServerKeyAlias               = "rdserverkey"
        sslCertAlias                    = "rdserverkey"
        sslSignerCertAlias              = "rdserverct"

For multiple SSL configurations

        # - The alias is mandatory.
        # - The default assignations are as shown.
        #     > The value in the comment is the default value.
        # * Increment "_1" for multiple creation.
        sslKeyManagerName_1 = sslKeyManagerName # = "IbmX509"
        sslClientKeyAlias_1 = sslClientKeyAlias # = "glsiserverprod"
        sslServerKeyAlias_1 = sslServerKeyAlias # = "glsiserverprod"
        sslClientAuth_1 = sslClientAuth # = "false"
        sslProtocol_1 = sslProtocol # = "SSL_TLS"
        sslSecurityLevel_1 = sslSecurityLevel # = "HIGH"
        sslConfigScopeName_1 = sslConfigScopeName

Dynamic outbound SSL configuration

        # SSL: Dynamic configuration for outbound web
        #      services calls
        installSSLDynamicConfig         = "true"
        sslDynamicConfigSelectionName   = "DEFAULTSSLOutbound"
        sslDynamicConfigDescription     = "Outbound Config"
        sslDynamicConfigInfo            = "SOAP,mvcloud04,1099"
        installSSLConfigGroups          = "true"

For multiple Dynamic outbound SSL configurations

        # - The selection name is mandatory.
        # - The default assignations are as shown.
        #     > The value in the comment is the default value.
        # * Increment "_1" for multiple creation.
        dynSSLConfigScopeName_1 = sslConfigScopeName
        dynSSLConfigSelectionDescription_1 = sslDynamicConfigDescription # = "Outbound Config"
        dynSSLConfigSelectionInfo_1 = sslDynamicConfigInfo # = "SOAP,mvmdev04,1099"
        dynSSLConfigSSLConfigAlias_1 = sslConfigAlias # "RDDefaultSettings"
        dynSSLConfigSSLConfigScope_1 = sslConfigScopeName
        dynSSLConfigCertAlias_1 = sslCertAlias

Configuring SSL Certificates

        # SSL Additional Certificates (public/private).
        # These will be imported from the specified files into
        # the sslTrustStoreName sslKeyStoreName respectively.
        # Import Public keys to the trust store (will be imported into sslTrustStoreName)
        sslSignerCertFilePath_1         = "@@wasDmHome@@/etc/cert_@@cellName@@_@@clusterName@@"
        sslSignerCertAlias_1            = "rdserverct"
        # Import trusted certificates to the trust store (will be imported into sslTrustStoreName)
        sslTrustedCertFilePath_1        = "@@wasDmHome@@/etc/trusted_cert_@@cellName@@_@@clusterName@@"
        sslTrustedCertAlias_1           = "trustedCertAlias"
        # Import signed certificates (will be imported into sslKeyStoreName)
        sslSignedCertReqFilePath_1      = "@@wasDmHome@@/etc/signed_cert_@@cellName@@_@@clusterName@@"
        sslSignedCertReqAlias_1         = "signedCertRequestAlias"
        # Import (additional) certificates (private keys) that this server will use (will be imported into sslKeyStoreName)
        sslAddCertFilePath_1            = @wasDmHome@@/etc/private_cert_@@cellName@@_@@clusterName@@"
        sslAddCertAlias_1                       = "privateCertRequestAlias"
        sslAddCertFilePassword_1        = "password"
        sslAddCertFileType_1            = ""