Configure Interfaces

Specify different host interfaces to the default one

In order to specify that the application servers internal HTTP transport (WAS 5.x) or transport chain (WAS 6.1) listens on a different host interface to the default one, use the following in your Jython file.

This will often apply in a firewalled environment where the application LAN interface is different from the default interface and only requests on the application LAN will be allowed through the firewall. In this case the plugin configuration needs to point to the application LAN.

WebSphere 6.1+ and transport chains

In this case each port can be given a specified host interface if required. If an interface is omitted, the default interface is used for that port. An example follows:

# WAS Port settings
# These will be the underlying WAS port name suffixed
# with _port. They should be mapped as follws:
# WC_defaulthost_port                   = 10NNN
# WC_defaulthost_secure_port            = 11NNN
# BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS_port                = 12NNN
# SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS_port           = 13NNN
# SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_port             = 14NNN
# SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_port          = 16NNN
# SIP_DEFAULTHOST_port                  = 18NNN
# SIP_DEFAULTHOST_SECURE_port           = 19NNN
# where NNN is unique for this server (in increments
# of 50 between servers)

WC_defaulthost_port                     = 10900
WC_defaulthost_secure_port              = 11900
BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS_port                  = 12900
SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS_port             = 13900
SIB_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_port               = 14900
SIB_MQ_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_port            = 16900
SIP_DEFAULTHOST_port                    = 18900
SIP_DEFAULTHOST_SECURE_port             = 19900

# Specified Host Interface
# This is for multiple NIC cards in a firewalled environment for
# correct plugin generation
# Values:
# host: THe name of the specified host - as in the name of the hostname known to WAS
# interface: The specified interface to listen on
# These details will be used by WAS to populate the plugin-cfg.xml
# This replaces nosecureTransportHostname and secureTransportHostname  in a multi-server
# clustered environment where "*" cannot be used due to a specified LAN being required
# that is different to the default host.
useSpecifiedHostInterface = "true"
WC_defaulthost_interface=[[["host", "p12504dtp002"],["interface","p12504dtp002-usr"]]]
WC_defaulthost_interface.append([["host", "p12503dtp001"] , ["interface","p12503dtp001-usr"]])

In the above example, numerous port names are specified. This is done by using the WAS port name with '_port' appended onto it. Any WAS ports not specified in this way will either be given default values by WAS or will use ephemeral ports.

Only the WC_defaulthost port is specified with a host interface by appending '_interface' to the port name. Any ports without an associated interface will use the default interface (usually the hostname).

From the above example we can concisely show the relevant entries for the WC_defaulthost as follows:

useSpecifiedHostInterface = "true"
WC_defaulthost_port                     = 10900
WC_defaulthost_interface=[[["host", "p12504dtp002"],["interface","p12504dtp002-usr"]]]
WC_defaulthost_interface.append([["host", "p12503dtp001"] , ["interface","p12503dtp001-usr"]])

We can see that during the deployment, these Jython entries will confiigure WC_defaulthost (WAS defined name) to listen on port 10900. Cluster members deployed to host p12504dtp002 will have WC_defaulthost listen on the p12504dtp002-usr interface and cluster members deployed to host p12503dtp001 will listen on the p12503dtp001-usr interface.

WebSphere 5.0 interfaces

In order to specify that the application servers internal HTTP transport or transport chain (WAS 6.1) listens on a different host interface to the default one, use the following in your Jython file.

This will often apply in a firewalled environment where the application LAN interface is different from the default interface and only requests on the application LAN will be allowed through the firewall. In this case the plugin configuration needs to point to the application LAN.

# Specified Host Interface
# This is for multiple NIC cards in a firewalled environment for
# correct plugin generation
# Values:
# host: THe name of the specified host - as in the name of the hostname known to WAS
# interface: The specified interface to listen on
# These details will be used by WAS to populate the plugin-cfg.xml
# This replaces nosecureTransportHostname and secureTransportHostname  in a multi-server
# clustered environment where "*" cannot be used due to a specified LAN being required
# that is different to the default host.
useSpecifiedHostInterface = "true"
specifiedHostInterface = [[["host", "p10002ecmt02"], ["interface", ""]]]
specifiedHostInterface.append([["host", "p10003ecmt03"], ["interface", ""]])

In the above example, on host p10002ecmt02, the application will start listening on the interface, which is on the application LAN.