WebSphere Identity Manager

File-based registry users

The following example is illustrative of user setting where "_1" can be incremented by 1 to create more than one user:

installUsers = "true"
userName_1 = "johndoe"
userPassword_1 = "johnpass"
userCn_1 = "John"
userSn_1 = "Doe"
userMail_1 = "jdoe@company.com"
# All possible values listed
userRoles_1 = ["adminsecuritymanager", "administrator", "auditor", "configurator", "deployer", "iscadmins", "monitor", "operator"]

File-based registry groups

The following example is illustrative of group setting where "_1" can be incremented by 1 to create more than one group:

installGroups = "true"
groupName_1 = "LOGIN_AUTH"
groupName_2 = "FULL_AUTH"