WebSphere MQ Servers

Creation of a WebSphere MQ Server

To create a WebSphere MQ Server, the first thing is to set to true the variable installMQServer:

installMQServer = "true"

Once enabled this variable, it is necessary to set some properties:

mqServerName                                 # Mandatory
mqServerChanel                               # Mandatory
mqServerDescription = ""
mqServerType = "MQ_QUEUE_MANAGER"
mqServerBindingsMode = "false"
mqServerHost = "localhost"
mqServerPort = 1414
mqServerTransportChain = "OutboundBasicWMQClient"
mqServerTrustUserIds = "true"

Note that the variables without value are mandatory, and the rest are set to their default value.

Adding a WebSphere MQ Server as a Service Integration Bus member

The procedure to add a WebSphere MQ Server as a SIB member is the same as for adding any other SIB member, but setting the SIBMemeberScopeType_n (specifically) or the SIBScopeType (by default) to "mqserver" and the SIBMEStoreType to "file" (by default), and setting the mandatory mqServerName_n variable:

# SIBScopeType = "mqserver"
SIBMEStoreType = "file"
SIBMemeberScopeType_n = "mqserver" 
mqServerMemberName_n                           # Mandatory

Additionally, the "Virtual queue manager name" can be set as follows:

mqServerVirtualQueueManagerName_n = "Test_Bus_DevTst"

By default it will take the name of the bus.

Creating a Service Integration Bus destination

The procedure to create a new SIB destination of type QUEUE is the same as for creating any other SIB destination of type QUEUE, but setting the SIBMemeberScopeType_n (specifically) or the SIBScopeType (by default) to "mqserver", and setting the mandatory mqServerName_n and mqServerDestinationQueueName_n variables:

# SIBScopeType = "mqserver"
SIBQueueScopeType_n = "mqserver" 
mqServerDestinationName_n                      # Mandatory
mqServerDestinationQueueName_n                 # Mandatory

Additionally, the "inclusion of an RFH2 message header when sending messages to WebSphere MQ" can be set:

mqServerDestinationUserRFH2_n = "false"

By default it will be set to false.


An example would be:

installMQServer = "true"

mqServerName = "TEST"
mqServerChanel = "test.T24"
mqServerDescription = "Backend MQ Server"
mqServerType = "MQ_QUEUE_MANAGER"
mqServerBindingsMode = "false"
mqServerHost = "test.machine.group"
mqServerPort = 1153
mqServerTransportChain = "OutboundBasicWMQClient"
mqServerTrustUserIds = "true"

installSIB = "true"
SIBScopeType = "mqserver"
SIBMEStoreType = "file"

busName_1 = "Test_Bus_DevTst"

SIBQueueName_1 = "QueueJMS"
SIBQueueJNDIName_1 = "java/QueueJMS"
SIBQueueTargetBusName_1 = "Test_Bus_DevTst"

mqServerMemberName_1 = "TEST"
mqServerVirtualQueueManagerName_1 = "VirtualMQTest"

mqServerDestinationName_1 = "TEST"
mqServerDestinationQueueName_1 = "REPLY.TEST"
mqServerDestinationUserRFH2_1 = "false"