Defining Work Manager Instances
Asynchronous bean work managers can be configured in the python configuration files.
The coding changes that were made to the automated deployment process have only been verified for WAS 6.1.
Here is an example configuration section from a jython file:
#--------------------------------------------------- # Work Manager settings #--------------------------------------------------- installWorkManager = "true" #--------------------------------------------------- # Work Manager Instance 1 settings #--------------------------------------------------- workmgrName_1 = "AccountOverviewWorkManager_GALAXY_IntTst01" workmgrJndiName_1 = "wm/"+workmgrName_1 workmgrDescription_1 = "Account Overview Work Manager" workmgrWorkTimeout_1 = 0 # Milliseconds workmgrReqQSize_1 = 0 workmgrCategory_1 = "Default" workmgrWorkReqQFullAction_1 = 1 workmgrMaxThreads_1 = 10 workmgrMinThreads_1 = 1 workmgrNumAlarmThreads_1 = 5 workmgrThreadPriority_1 = 5 workmgrIsDistributable_1 = "false" workmgrIsGrowable_1 = "false" workmgrServiceNames_1 = ""
Here is the mapping in the MapResRefToEjb section of the same file:
res1_5 = ["GalaxyPortalWeb", "", "GalaxyPortalWeb.war,WEB-INF/web.xml", "AccountOverviewWorkManager", "", "wm/AccountOverviewWorkManager_GALAXY_IntTst01", "", ""]