Export Task
Please see the Full Tasks Documentation for details of how to call the WebSphereConfigPropertiesExportTask task from your orchestration file. We hope you find this article useful when you're using this plugin for application release automation.
WebSphere export task that exports WebSphere configuration to a properties file. The orchestration task defines three particular resource attributes which we examine in more detail here.
This resource allows the scope of the export to set, using standard IBM WebSphere syntax. Some examples are given below.
This resource allows the data retrieved from configData to be further filtered by selecting a comma separated list of sub-types.
This resource defines how the export is to be carried out. Typically this resource should not be changed. The default values are:
[[GenerateTemplates true][PortablePropertiesFile true]]
The meaning of these settings is :
Export the definition in a portable way as a template.
Setting GenerateTemplates to true means extracted properties, when applied to a new environment, will create any resources that are not already present.
Setting PortablePropertiesFile to true means that configuration properties extracted from one environment can be deployed to another one.
The following are example values for some task parameters:
Resource Name | Example | Scope | Description |
configData | Server=DEFAULTServer | Server | Export the server definition and all sub entries for DEFAULTServer. |
configData | JDBCProvider=applicationXAds | JDBCProvider | Export the JDBCProvider definition and all sub entries for applicationXAds |
configData | ServerCluster=DEFAULTServer | Cluster | Export the cluster definition and all sub entries for DEFAULTServer. |
configData selectedSubTypes | Cell:Security JAASAuthData | Cell | Export Cell security settings, selecting only the JAASAuthData to export |