Helix Perforce external library
Thanks to Helix Perforce Repository external library you can include resources stored in Helix VCS repo into your package or checkout them directly from your target server. Specify helix remote URL and credentials and your repository and click Check Resource button to make sure your configuration is correct. Your repository will be checked out under folder you specified in 'Package Relative Path'. Remember that if you set 'Download On Target' your target server needs to be able to connect to remote repo.
Helix external resource plugin is not provided with RapidDeploy community edition but you can use Plugin Manager to install it. Go to Plugin Manager view from Settings then go to Available Plugins / Patches and find plugin by name 'helix'.
To connect to Helix Repository you will need access to it and should obtain the necessary credentials and URL for this. You should decide on the structure to use for your projects in the helix repository.
There is an additional step you need to make if your Helix server requires ssl connection. You can find more info on Perforce site: http://answers.perforce.com/articles/KB/2620. /br
In order to change RapidDeploy to support SSL connection to Helix VCS follow steps below:
- Download jce_policy-8.zip from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce8-download-2133166.html
- Unzip downloaded file
- Go to MV_HOME/bin and run ./stop-web-app.sh (or .bat depends on the OS)
- Copy local_policy.jar to MV_HOME/web-apps/jre/lib/security/
- Copy US_export_policy.jar to MV_HOME/web-apps/jre/lib/security/
- Go to MV_HOME/bin and run ./start-web-app.sh (or .bat depends on the OS)
If you would like to use Download on Target option and Helix server requires ssl connection you will also need to replace local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar on your target server.
- Download jce_policy-8.zip from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jce8-download-2133166.html
- Unzip downloaded file
- If you use midvision-agent go to MV_AGENT_HOME/bin and run ./stop-remoting-server.sh (or .bat depends on the OS)
- If you use midvision-agent copy local_policy.jar to MV_AGENT_HOME/jre/lib/security/ but if you use SSH to connect RapidDeploy to the target server then copy local_policy.jar to JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/
- If you use midvision-agent copy US_export_policy.jar to MV_AGENT_HOME/jre/lib/security/ but if you use SSH to connect RapidDeploy to the target server then copy US_export_policy.jar to JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/
- If you use midvision-agent go to MV_HOME/bin and run ./start-remoting-server.sh (or .bat depends on the OS)
Helix Library Settings

Assigning Tfs Library to Project