Web Services API overview

The RapidDeploy web services are RESTful web services. They have been created using the Jersey-WS API. A number of web service and methods have been exposed to allow you to administer and use RapidDeploy. A full list of services and methods is in the Web Application Definition Language file.

Web Service Clients

There are a number of tools to use to consumer a web service. It is up to you and your organisation to decide which tool is best. There are ready made thick client applications, command line interfaces (CLIs) or you could create your own client using the programming language of you choice: Java, JavaScript, Groovy, Ruby, etc. Below are a list of some popular tools and examples:

  • SoapUI

    SoapUI is a thick client which is a web service testing tool and allows you to define and invoke web services. It is great for quickly testing web services and putting together suites of tests to order a number of web service calls.

    Link to SoapUI home page.

  • cURL (Command Line Interface)

    You may decide to write some shell or batch scripts to invoke the web services by using HTTP Scripting. A great tool for this is cURL (stands for: Client for URLs).

    Link to Curl home page.

  • Java Client Web Service Consumer

    Link to Example of how to consume restful web services using Java.

  • JavaScript AJAX Library

    Link to Using JQuery to consume a web service.

Web Service Security

All the web services make calls into the framework server using a RapidDeploy users' login credentials (username and password). These credential are encrypted into a token (using the RapidDeploy web service encryption tool). The encryted token is then added to the header of each web service request.

Note: The authorisation token encryption method has changed between 3.3.2 and 3.3.3.

See Web Service Authentication Encyption Tool for details on how to generate the token.

Once the encrypted web service token has been generated, add the token to the header of the web service request as:

Authorization: d3NVc2VyMDE6L3A1TDVDNk4zcFlNV3htdkdSS0RDd0NiT2hEL3FUSHk=

Web Service List

The list below contains a list of the web service methods. Click on the web service links to see example request and responses from the web services.

Web Service Description
createUser Creates a RapidDeploy user.
updateUser This web service updates a RapidDeploy user on the framework server.
deleteUser Deletes a RapidDeploy user.
changeMyPassword Changes my RapidDeploy user password.
addUserToGroup Adds a RapidDeploy user to a group.
deleteUserFromGroup Deletes a RapidDeploy user from a group.
listUser Lists a single RapidDeploy user details.
listUserRoles This web service lists all RapidDeploy user roles from the framework server.
listUsers Lists all RapidDeploy user details.
createGroup Creates a RapidDeploy group.
updateGroup This web service updates a RapidDeploy group in the framework server.
deleteGroup Deletes a RapidDeploy group.
addProjectsToGroup This web service adds a comma separated list of projects to a RapidDeploy group in the framework server.
removeProjectsFromGroup This web service removes a comma separated list of projects from a RapidDeploy group in the framework server.
addRolesToGroup This web service adds a comma separated list of roles to a RapidDeploy group in the framework server.
removeRolesFromGroup This web service removes a comma separated list of roles from a RapidDeploy group in the framework server.
addUsersToGroup This web service adds a comma separated list of users to a RapidDeploy group in the framework server.
removeUsersFromGroup This web service removes a comma separated list of users from a RapidDeploy group in the framework server.
listGroupRoles This web service lists all RapidDeploy group roles from the framework server.
listGroup This web service lists the details of a RapidDeploy group from the framework server.
listGroups This web service lists all RapidDeploy groups from the framework server.
createProject Creates a RapidDeploy project.
copyProject Copies a RapidDeploy project.
updateProject Updates a RapidDeploy project.
deleteProject Deletes a RapidDeploy project.
startCmOperation Starts a CM operation on a project.
commitToScm Commits a RapidDeploy project file system to its SCM tool.
discoverProject Discover a specific RapidDeploy projects environment files.
listProject List a specific RapidDeploy project.
listProjects List all RapidDeploy projects.
createProjectEnvironment Creates a RapidDeploy target and its files on the framework server.
cloneProjectEnvironment Clones a RapidDeploy target and its files on the framework server.
deleteProjectEnvironment Deletes a RapidDeploy target and its files on the framework server.
createOrUpdateDataDictionaryVariable Creates updates a RapidDeploy target data dictionary variable on the framework server.
createOrUpdateDataDictionaryVariableNoScm Creates updates a RapidDeploy target data dictionary variable on the framework server without checking in and out the files from SCM.
listProjectEnvironments List all RapidDeploy targets on the framework server.
backupProjects Backup all RapidDeploy projects in the framework server.
restoreProjects Restore all RapidDeploy projects from the framework server.
createServer Creates a RapidDeploy server.
updateServer Updates a RapidDeploy server.
deleteServer Deletes a RapidDeploy server.
listServer List a specific RapidDeploy server.
listAllServers List all RapidDeploy servers.
createEnvironment Creates a RapidDeploy environment.
updateEnvironment Updates a RapidDeploy environment.
deleteEnvironment Deletes a RapidDeploy environment.
listEnvironment List a specific RapidDeploy environment.
listEnvironmentsByServer List all RapidDeploy environments by a server.
runDeploymentJob Execute a RapidDeploy deployment job on the framework server.
cancelCurrentJobs Cancels a running RapidDeploy job on the framework server.
createDeploymentPackage Creates a RapidDeploy deployment package on the framework server.
deleteDeploymentPackage Deletes a RapidDeploy deployment package from the framework server.
resumeHaltedJobs Resume a halted RapidDeploy job on the framework server.
listExecutingJobs Lists all executing (including halted) RapidDeploy job on the framework server.
listRunningJobs Lists all executing (excluding halted) RapidDeploy job on the framework server.
listHaltedJobs Lists all halted RapidDeploy job on the framework server.
listPreviousDeploymentJobs Lists all previous RapidDeploy code deploy job details on the framework server.
listDeploymentPackages List deployment packages of a project from the framework server.
showJobLog Retrieve Job log content from the framework server.
displayJobDetails Retrieve Job Detatils from the framework server.
startJobPlan Start a RapidDeploy job Plan the framework server.
listJobPlans List all Job Plans from the framework server.
migrate This web service is the RapidDeploy application from previous versions.
upgradeAllPlugins This web service upgrades all the RapidDeploy server, environment and project plugins to the latest installed version.
upgradeProjectPlugins This web service upgrades the RapidDeploy project plugins to the latest installed version.
upgradeServerPlugins This web service upgrades the RapidDeploy server plugins to the latest installed version.