- Last Published: 2024-12-16|
- Version: 5.1.16
Linking a Project to one or more resources
- Log in to the RapidDeploy UI as a user with one of the above roles.
- Select 'Projects' and select a project.
- On the first 'General' tab, scroll down to the 'Resource List' pick-list.
- Choose the required resources from the 'Available Project Scoped Resources' selection box and click the 'Add' button. If there are no resources shown, create a new resource.
- Save the project.
- Log in to the RapidDeploy UI as a user with one of the above roles.
- Select 'Projects' and select a project in 'edit' mode.
- Select the 'Packages' tab.
- Create a new Deployment Package for the project by clicking the 'Create Package' button.
- The binary libraries you selected on the general tab will now be included in the package whenever a new one is created.