The JMX Configuration file
The following properties may be specified. They are sourced from the environment specific property file defined by the environment prefix and propertyFileSuffix resource.
filename and suffix
The default propertyFileSuffix will be
As for other orchestration tasks, the environment prefix of this file is the uniquely identifying combination of server, environment and application. By default this would be:
The configuration file may contain one or more of the following key/value pairs:
- adminHost The host to connect to
- adminPort The port to connect to
- installationPath The WebLogic install path
- username The Admin username
- password The admin password (may be encrypted)
- targetMappings The taget mappings (see below)
For example:
adminPort=7001 targetMappings=examplesWebApp\=StandAloneManagedServer3 installationPath=@@MV_WLS_HOME@@/WLSTestCases/12c/MyGenericDomain/ adminHost=localhost username=weblogic password=weblog1c templateFileRelativePath=j2ee/wls/TEMPLATE/weblogicenvironment01_file
target mappings property
The targetMappings property has a comma separated list of application to target mappings. targets for the same application are space separated as follows:
<enterprise application name>=<targets for enterprise application name> <>,
Below are some example mappings:
earFile1=standAloneManagedServer1 earFile1=standAloneManagedServer1 standAloneManagedServer2 earFile1=standAloneManagedServer1 standAloneManagedServer2,earFile2=standAloneManagedServer3 cluster4