Property file suffix

Support for these files has been removed as of RapidDeploy 4.0.0. The following table lists suffxes to environment property files in RapidDeploy 3.5, and their replacement location in RapidDeploy 4.0.0+.

Suffix New Location
dict Dictionary file. All dictionary item values for all environments are now stored in a single data-dictionary.xml file. This file can be found in the project root directory.
props Search replace properties. Used by the SearchReplace task. Now set in the task itself in the orchestration panel in the UI saved to the midvision-deploy-orchestration.xml. This file can be found in the project root directory.
xpath XPATH replace properties. Used by the XpathReplaceTask. Now set in the task itself in the orchestration panel in the UI saved to the midvision-deploy-orchestration.xml. This file can be found in the project root directory.
py Used by WebSphere and WebLogic python/Jython based deployments This property file may still be used in RapidDeploy 4.0.0+, but the default behaviour is to use the text area on the Environment product tab.
conf Parameters that were stored here are now on the environment panels.
env Specify environment variables to be set for the task. Now set in the task itself in the orchestration panel in the UI saved to the midvision-deploy-orchestration.xml. This file can be found in the project root directory.