Starting and Stopping the RapidDeploy Server in WebSphere 7+


This page details the instructions to follow for starting and stopping the MidVision application in the IBM WebSphere application server.


To stop/start the RapidDeploy application in WebSphere application server, please identify the following:

  • The name of the server(s) hosting the WebSphere Application Server Cell in which the RapidDeploy application is installed
  • The user used to run WebSphere application processes on this host
  • The name of the Aplication Server or cluster containing the RapidDeploy application
  • Login credentials for the WebSphere Deployment Manager or Nodeagent hosting the RapidDeploy application

Stopping and Starting the Application Server

  1. Log in to the WebSphere Deployment Manager or Nodeagent hosting the RapidDeploy application. Become the user running the WebSphere applications. Please note that this might not be the root user. If you stop/start the application as root when WebSphere is normally run as a non-root user, you may cause permissions problems for subsequent restarts of the applications.
  2. Navigate to the $PROFILE_HOME/bin directory where $PROFILE_HOME is the base directory of the Deployment Manager or Nodeagent profile on the target server.
  3. Run the following commands to stop/start the RapidDeploy Application Server or cluster:
    1. Stop on Linux/Unix:
              ./ <APPSERVER_OR_CLUSTER_NAME>
    2. Stop on Windows:
              ./stopServer.bat <APPSERVER_OR_CLUSTER_NAME>
    3. Start on Linux/Unix:
              ./ <APPSERVER_OR_CLUSTER_NAME>
    4. Start on Windows:
              ./startServer.bat <APPSERVER_OR_CLUSTER_NAME>

Checking the logs

The output from the above commands will indicate whether the process was successful. You can find detailed logs in the following location:
