Project Migration
This section will give you an overview of how to migrate and import older RapidDeploy versions projects.
Firstly the old project files should be packaged in a zip file.
Secondly, upload the zip file and select the specific project migration plugin.
Finally, follow the project import wizard.
Prepare the Project Package from an old RapidDeploy version
Please follow the steps below:
- Go to the old RapidDeploy projects path, e.g. /var/rd/midvision/projects.
cd /var/rd/midvision/projects
- List the projects, choose the project you'd like to package and go into the project root directory.
ls /var/rd/midvision/projects PROJECT_A PROJECT_B PROJECT_C PROJECT_D cd /var/rd/midvision/projects/PROJECT_A
- Zip the project files into a new project package.
zip -vr ../ *
- Keep the project package file ready to be imported into RapidDeploy.
Import the old RapidDeploy version Project Package into RapidDeploy
Please follow the steps below:
- Go to Projects page (Menu -> Projects)
- Press the "Upload Project" button displayed on top of the project list.
- The "Upload Project" dialog is shown, please select the old project package file created previously, e.g.
- In the "Migration Plugin" drop-down list, select the right plugin and press the "Import" button to confirm the file upload.
- Follow the project import wizard and in the last step press the "Import This Project" button to import the project.
This will import a project from an old RapidDeploy version. After this, you will need to review the imported project and setup the infrastructures used by this project for which servers and installations were created but not configured. There might be the chance that some tasks need to be reviewed and reconfigured depending on how much they have changed between the older and the newer version.